I'm stupid!D; I missed the countdown just to sleep. :/ Anyways, lets talk about camp. :D Treasure hunt was fun!(: The first day was rather freaky? Hahah;D Cause I was in the same group as practically no one I knew? xD But my group had nice people. Oh Lol. The second day was better. ;D Our group got blessed by the blessing song. & Hannah and Xue en baked cookies for us!:D It was really nice. Played some game before the session. Like you had to write down a question then,you find someone you dunno and ask them? Samuel was being evil?xD So, I wrote "Do you LOVE Samuel Jubilee." Hahah;D & he wrote something about Hannah & they were fighting over it. & somehow, I got lucky and won a prize. Thanks to Samuel's name. :/ Was playing bridge during lunch. I suck at bridge. :P Spirtual spa was after lunch. There was prophetic art,gifts,pictures and anointing. Was talking to Faith,Amadea ad Jocelyn before that. Hahah;D Amadea & Jocelyn was really funny. (: Then,Bryan came in and was like, "let talk as a cell!" Hahah;D very cute. Carolene(?) drew a picture for me,which I think is quite true. I'm trying, I just need more faith. Session at night was talking about gifts given by God. Quite cool. The next day, was games the whole day!:D Played this game where we had to find our way around,when it was pitch dark and covered with black sheets. :D Gloria was helping me most of the time. (: & she went off after that. Margarita and Whydah combined cheers. (x Played COOS square after that! Hannah has a super great memory alright! Played this pingpong game where we had to re-use plastic spoons when others already bit it. But,it was quite fun. The worse was twister. Hahah;D After lunch, was all the wet games,blahblah. Ferdi's station was fun but smelly. We had to crawl thru detergent and water, then back crawl thru raw eggs,soya sauce,vinegar,milk? Then,played some tick-tack-game and some others as well. The pampers game was fun!:D We had to wear pampers on our heads and dunk our heads in a pail of water and try to collect as much water as possible. It was superrrr fun!:D The last game was funny?O.O It was the dryest water bomb game I ever played. We had to use a towel to throw the water ballon over to the other side. Was actually Team A vs. Team B and it became camp comm. vs. us. Bathed & changed to the treasure hunt shirt!:D Hahah. ;D Then, helped Eunice with the skid stuffs with Leanne & Charisse. & everyon was rather shocked that I turned hyper. :/ Hahah;D I started doing weird stuffs and noises,blahblah. Was screaming too. Practising for the skid. Hahah;D Charisse and I had to screamed and say "cockroach!" Sam's group skid was funny. The disaster was no fbts allowed during camp!xD Yupp. and after all that,we played bridge as usual. Lights out was at 1am. I can't believe Marissa's brother is Marcus, Hahah;D But I realise their names are starting with the same letter 10 seconds ago. (x Then,woke up around 7+, but had to assemble at nine. Hahah;D So went to find Faith. She was awake too. LOL. So, had the share testimonials and stuffs. and we had to get back to church. D; Sad. Took a group photo, but it was really small?:/ Can't really see anyone?xD MISS CAMP LOADS!♥
Sasha;Yupp:D Hahah;D Cause my mf spoil,so I use ie create. ;P Grace;Yupp:D C'ya too!Actually, I saw you already. ;P Clarissa;Relink asap. (: Happy new year too. :D May;YO! Happy new year!:D Jialing;Happy new year!:D Fiona;Yeah:D He's cute, what's the name? Hahah;D Cause I thought you'll like put down there or sth?Happy new year!:D Grace;HAPPYNEWYEAR!:D Chloe;Happy new year,& kay:D