Heh. I'm lazy to post. ;P Mostly busy,I guess. Hahah;D I become a good student. :D Finishing my homework on time. (: Lets post about today. :D Classes was fun. Hahah;D 1e4'o8 love disturbing Darren Moh!xD Heh. Jolyn worte a story about him for English. Then, there was one sentence," Darren is a special and unique boy." So, Gerard kept saying high pants!xD Yupp. & for lit, Grace's group wrote a poem about Darren too. ;P LOL. After school, helped paste posters for choir with Grace Chiam and Yanwing. Hahah;D We spammed the whole toilet with choir posters. Yupp, and people were complaining choir have many posters. So sad Meichen didn't help. D; It was superr fun!:D Hees;D Yupp. So, I can't wait till tomorrow. :D BYE!:D Oh & This guy called Shili or something,heard from Cal, IS SUPER GAY!xD Hahah;D He put his hands on his hips when he was reading his group's poem for lit. (x & when the teacher took the paper away, he put both hands on his hips. (x Kim and Me + Grace's group were like laughing. xD SO FUNNY!:D