 Hahah:D 3 papers taken!(: Woohoo!(x I'm super duper sad. - I lost 5 marks for English due to my blur-ness. - I lost 6 marks in Chinese like everyone else in the class. :/ - I stupidly forgot that how to change some equation thing? - I can't find a hand phone strap!xD - I got stuck outside my house-.- Things that brightened my day; - Yanwing is gonna watch Twilight with us!:D One more person. {♥} - I think I might get a few A1s. LOLS!:D - I finally bought Rachel's present. (: - The paper ended early today!:D - There's no school tomorrow and the following day:D
Actually, its all rather crappy. :/ I'm feeling so so sad, cause of something. :/
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY!:D Stay happy!(: Math paper was quite okay. The algebra questions were super easy!:D Yay!:D Thats why I like math. :x The stupid graph questions + some figure questions made me not like math!(x Never mind, I can catch up for paper two!:D I shall not cry over spilled milk. Stayed back with Calista and Kimberley to ask Ms Leow for Geography notes. :D We are so so good cans?(x We waited for a very long time. :/ Went to J8 with Kimberley. Kept asking her the time. Hahah. :D On purpose, cause her phone got confiscated!(x Evil me. :x Went back home and realised I didn't have my key. :/ Waited outside my house then got people walk pass look at me like I'm some thief liddat?-.- So irritated. :/
i look at the past; suddenly all the memories flowed back; i can't help it; i really want to let go; but i really can't
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!:D Hahah. :D Chinese paper. :D The composition is so easy. :D Hahah. ;D Everyone was like sleeping for like 30 minutes plus?(x Except me!;P I think? I was taking my own sweet time to write. :D Ms Hoe is very very bad. D; She didn't tell us we only had to learn the B book and she was the setter of the paper! Lucky for me, I lost my A book and I didn't study, but I woke up at 3.30 trying to figure out the words in the A book. D; Shouldn't have. I had a very very nice dream. :D LOLS. Calista said I'm stressed cause I remembered my dream. xD Its worth remembering. I can't believe I was thinking about that thing subconsciously. Rachel didn't have good luck though. D; So sad cans? D; Basically, everyone didn't have good luck. Rachel and Arista got the paper first then I was sitting next to Rachel, and I just came back from keeping my chinese book and the were like "chanting" What is dian pei liu li? LOLS. I dunno how to do the first two questions for sentences structure?! 6 precious marks. D; Even Darryl didn't know how to do the first sentence structure. I was basically crapping on that question?:/ Went home!:D I swear my Ipod touch is in bad condition. D; I need a new protector.
 Yay. I should just cancel MIA on some days. xD Realised that I'm gonna see Calista in like 2 days? :D Hahah. :D I miss her sitting in front of me!{♥} Mugging for Chinese & Math. D; I super need to remember math formulas. I wanna get an A1. :D So, i shouldn't continue posting. (x lols.
Yesterday; Faith came for cell!:D So so happy. Hahah. ;D Had to write comments about cell mates? Yupp. Amadea & Madelia wrote about the same thing. :/ LOL. I was like kept writing nice & kind. -.- My limited vocabulary. Hahah. :D I realised I still dunno half my cell. -.- Oops. :x Went to ntuc. :D Amadea was being rather lame. :/ She claimed that she's following me & I'm the cell leader. :/ Then, like much later, we went for service. Jireh asked for sweets. :D I'm so good to not give him yeahs?(x (he sure disagree.) Sitting next to Mayyin is the worst thing you can ever do. :x Sweets. Ahhh. :/ I must "surrender" them. Worship. The last song was so touching. :D I loved it loads. Thank God for loving me:D & many other people!{♥} Pastor was preaching about Joseph. (: Yupp. Went to eat dinner with Trudy!:D Hees. ;D Then, went to find my brother. He spit a rice at his friend while he was talking?(x Hahahah;D Then went home!:D & I got stomach ache. Must be too much sweets. xD Hahahah:D Okay. Need to desperately study!:D BYE!`{♥}
school dayyyyy!:D
 I broke my own promise to myself!:/ I'm so addicted to computer!argh! Currently trying to improve my vocabulary by tomorrow for English. :D I think its impossible. -.- DUH!:/ See, I gone crazy by talking to myself. I need to smack myself. :D Searching words written in the twilight series books. Its super duper accumulated that I think I'll go crazy!(x I still love Twilight series yo!{♥} Gonna watch the movie with Calista and Kimberley!:D YAY!{♥}
Today was rather fun!:D Math teachers didn't come!:D I was so happy!:x Hahah;D I was like sleeping and talking the whole two periods. :D What uh? Oh yah, lol. Didn't go for recess. Common:D Stole Calista's food. Kimberley & Yanwing too!:D Still very common. :x Hahah;D But she has really nice sandwiches yo!:D Was doing random stuff the whole recess. Chinese! Okay. I have confidence in getting A1!:D As in very very high? Yupp. The letter writing is so retarded. :/ I scored well for language but sucked at content. Geography is a super duper gonna fail subject. -.- Trying not to be negative, but the topics aren't finished teaching. D; I forgot how to read a topographical map. Some one just murder me!:D I'll provide a knife?(: Assembly was rather boring & e2 boys are sickos!:x Don't wanna elaborate. (; Was drawing twilight on my hand!(x Waited for Calista & ate lunch with Kimmy & Teng Teng. :D Was like doing homework later. Kimmy was boasting about her good memory to Calista & I. We were ahem-ing!:D Went back later?(;
Yesterday was boring? Hahah;D I forgot. :x I'm getting senile. (x Cherish survey is very very boliao!xD
Tuesday was rather fun!:D Okay. I like forgot to bring history book agains. -.- Luckily, we didn't need them. Hahah. ;D Was cheating and reading Breaking Dawn. & I decided I shouldn't wait for Calista. :x I was too excited! My so so limited vocabulary. :/ Math teacher didn't come, but had to do worksheets again. -.- Was still reading, and Calista too. Got scolded. D; rofl. Some Physics teacher came in to revise with us? Mr Wong or something liddat. Then, P.E is super fun !:D Played captain's ball!:D Jolyn and Rachel kept blocking. ;D Hahah. ;D But it was so so fun!:D I was so short to be goal keeper. -.- Stayed back with Calista and Kimberley. Just for fun slacking!:D We were like reading our "own" twilight books. We were commenting how slow Kimberley was reading Twilight. Hahah. :D Then we ended up talking & talking. Went back around 4 or 5? xD
Kimberley; ILOVETWILIGHTTOO!{♥} You are so so loved by me uhs{♥} Hahah. ;D So happy gonna watch the movie with you & cal!:D Tengteng; Hellos:D & she love me too much:x lols. :D Jolyn; YO!:D
 MIA-ING for the next few weeks. As if I can stand the temptation. ;D I'll try. :D I needa mug, mug & mug!:D Wish me luck yo!:D & I finished Breaking Dawn!:D Its super nice. Midnight sun!(: Yay!:D I shall go study/read now!(x Gossip girl is nice!:D I can't wait till exams to watch Heroes season 3. Temptation. ;D Loves{♥} ;
Was like so so sad. D; I realised something. & I laughed cause of some people!:D lols.
Oh yay!:D I'm in love with Twilight series:D I can't wait for Midnight Sun & Forever Dawn!:D Eeeks. Some stupid retards wanna read Twilight too!D; Hates them.Calista send me!(; lols.
 edward & bella:D
 bella the vampire:D
 bella & edward:D
I'm crazy. :D I lazy to upload more!:D I love twilight!eeee!:D I'm finishing Breaking Dawn. :D Not waiting for Calista. (: Oh & I found the answers!:D LATER:D
Twilight Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, as is implied by the quote from Genesis 2:17 that opens the book. It also represents choice. :D
New Moon The flower on the cover of New Moon is a red and white Parrot tulip. Stephenie Meyer has stated that the flower has no significance to the story, as she had no part in choosing its design. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar circle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest period of Bella's life.
Eclipse The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life.
Breaking Dawn Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.
finally found all the meanings:D hees;D
 I'm so so so happy! eee. lols. Firstly; I'm reading Breaking Dawn in like two weeks? YAY!:D Secondly; I hit a ball at Jireh's head. :D Thirdly; I found out something damn shocking! winks* Fourthly; I found a long lost bestie♥ Fifthly; I'm gonna study hard!:D Sixthly; I need to grow taller:D Randomness:/ Okay. Backtrack:D
School passed by rather breezily? Hahah;D I tied a ribbon on Calista's jacket and claimed it was a bonnet!:D English teacher didn't come. :D So, we had free period. Was drawing Calista's hand with Yanwing and Lavina?(: Hees. :D Then, we raided the teacher's toilet to take soap and washed Calista's hand!:D So funny! After school, went to Thompson Plaza with Lavina. Lols. We were checking out Home Economics stuff. Went to eat at Sakae Sushi? Lols. (I dunno how to spell. :x) She like paid for 7/8 of the meal?:/ She treated me! Yay!:D Then, walked around the whole fair price looking. Pangseh-ed her at the bus stop. I asked you to get down first one. :x lols. xD
 notice the ribbon!
Hahah;D I forgot:x Okay,wait,I remembered one part. Had Chinese oral!:D Hees ;D I was freaking out. Was like praying and it didn't help.The eclipse book diverted my panicking. :D I didn't know how to read one word. D; Was like skipping it really quickly. I think I totally screwed for conversation? xD I was like "err-ing" Then, Zhi Rong was like walking pass and I gave that funny expression and the teacher was like looking. :/ Some more its his Chinese teacher.-.- Maybe she thinks I'm cheating. D; Went to the library and was watching chicken rice war. :D Johnathan,Xiao bai and Lavina were there. :D So funny cans. Lols. Was learning the f word in Korean :P Yanwing came and we bought bubble tea and went back!;D
Went to AMK hub after school to buy the Home Economics stuff. Sat the 73 bus for 1 hour before we arrived?! We could have taken the MRT. :/ Lavina was eating and I was reading. -.- Lols. I'm so nerd. (x She was crazy about the Neoprint stuff. Lols. Went to buy stuff and I went to buy some edible stuff. xD Hahah;D Actually wanted to find Kimmy, but it was quite late?(x
Nurul finally came. :D Yay! went back early cause of tuition?(x Thats all I can remember-.-
Err? xD Oh yay! Damn funny!xD Lols? I'm just crapping. -.- Had Home Economics practical exam. :D But, there was public canning before that? D: So scary cans? Was late for Home Econs. Lavina made me roll the bread with the (I dunno what its called?-.-) Then, Shuan Meng came in and was like, "aye, Jialing rolling dough,Jialing rolling dough!" -.- Was like wanting to kill him. :/ Wasn't dough okays!D; He walked out of the class and was still repeating . -.- I use the (I still dunno what its called) and show the hitting action? xD Like a baton. :D I think Mrs Peters saw?!Lols. Our presentation for the food wasn't really nice, so I decided to put the tacos in the cup. :D Went around to see other people's food. (: My group is the last!:D It tasted okay I guess?(x Went to the canteen to buy peach tea with Calista. Luckily, the councilors didn't catch us. But, we were chased out of class by them. Was eating Calista's Home Econs food. :D I was so nice!(: Yi Quan very nice!:D He left the back door open so we could sneak in. (: We went in and was eating Kimberley's food. Lols. I ate one bite and kept saying very nice!:D LOLS. Ate the seaweed we didn't use for Home Econs. Science practical test!:D We were supposed to do individual work, but Calista and I did it together. (: It was really fun!:D Went back with Calista, Kimmy, Regine and Gwendolyn. Calista left first and we went to buy bubble tea!:D Yay! Then walked to the bus stop!(: Funfun!;D
GAMES DAY!:D Hahahahah;D Its so so fun!:D Had praise and worship in Kegan's cell room. Then, Kenan brought a friend who is like 1.8+?! And he's in choir. :/ Got suan-ed by Jireh. Was like playing captain's ball. Actually, wanted to be in same group as Trudy, but plan failed. D;Then, one of the game, I was the goal keeper. :D So fun!(x Caught the ball once then the stupid Jireh said i grew taller. -.- (I'm tall okays!xD) I threw the ball right at his head. :D Oopsie. (x Caught like the last ball so we won. I figured I'm too short to be a goal keeper. -.- LOLS. Jac's team played with the leader and they won. May yin and her coordination was really good!:D I got Trudy's book for free!:D Hees!(; Baptism service!:D Amadea and Madelia were getting baptized. (: Pastor Jennifer didn't know how to pronounce Amadea's name!xD So funny. Went up to hug Amadea after that!;D Stupid Jireh gave me melted sweet. -.- Trudy and Jessamin took too!(x Kicking his chair!(: Was talking to Trudy till the lights were nearly all offed.So shocking!(x lols.Went to eat dinner. Jacqueline and May yin were sitting with us. xD Then, cabbed home!:D Sponsored by my brother!:D Hees!;D
 This week was full of fun, disappointment, regret, but I decided to see things in a different light.
Had oral after school.Was with Kimberley and Nurul. Went to the library and Tengteng they all watching chicken rice war in the library.I was really funny,but quite vulgar. Hees. ;D And I thought it was NC16?:/ Hees:D Went for oral.Calista and I were sitting at the back of the classroom.(: Mostly,we were talking.I was so so scared kays.Was praying.I think I really did calm down. (: I think I did well. :D Yay! At least to myself. :/ Waited for Calista and we went to talk. Hees!;D She is so so nice!:D I can't believe we talked for like 3 hours?! xD (yupp,I wanna do that again!) I surprisingly walked home,but still sat the bus for a short distance. ;P The laziness of me. (x I found out I lost my Science mindmap. D; Rather saddening. I spent many many hours on it. D;
Hahah;D Didn't go to the movies with Amadea. She was like really angry. ;P I was reading New Moon in the afternoon before going for cell.I was feeling rather sad? I think I'm just confused?:/ Praise and worship was rather weird. Zhong en was doing word. We were split up into two groups. I ended up in Sam's.We were talking about judging people. Oh well,what a great time,just what I needed.:/ Went to ntuc to buy snacks. :D Then,went in for service.The pastor preaching was very cute!;D His surname sounds like chocolate. xD He was talking about like converting a Buddhist to a Christian? Traded mint chewing gum for mint chocolates with Jireh!:D Yay. Actually,I didn't wanna trade,but I think he thought I wanna trade or maybe I did nod when he asked? Okay. I'm currently deaf. -.- Thenthen, Grace was like sitting next to me and we were eating the chewing gum. Grace blew a bubble and it popped loudly. xD Then,I was covering my mouth and laughing and Jireh thought I was blowing the bubble.Grace and I were laughing. xD I had a very nice breath kays!xD Met my brother,and he wanted me to wait outside the boys toilet.:/ Bryan walked past and was like looking at me.So weird.Went to my cousin's house. Was like playing with her guinea pig?xD I didn't wanna eat the super duper creamy cake!xD Was playing with my father's laptop. :D Went home at like one? Super late.
I managed to wake up at seven. Lols. Was reading New Moon and I'm proud to say that I completed it. :D The bad thing is, I only have the first,second and fourth book. -.- Couldn't find the third. D; So, I'm stucked reading the second book again tomorrow.(x I lost my brother at bowling buddies. D; Dammit. He was so so proud.The good thing is,he teached me how to win the clown award. :D Lalalala!`~ So happy. Its so boring now!I hate sundays. :x lols. Gonna do Home Economics "project" with Lavina tomorrow. :D Many uncompleted assignments,so gotta go!:D
teddyy mia-edD;
 i'm super sad agains. my lost teddy. stressful life. broken friendships(?). i super need to see things in a different light, someone help me.
Andrew! Could you pretty please find me a same teddy?
Went out!:D Then, went for cell. Faith didn't come. D; lols. My weirdo fringe. -.- Worship was okay? Trudy came super late. For word, Sam wanted us to read each verse one by one. I was like reading super quickly. He was like commenting on our unemotional reading. :/ I learned that we should have more faith in God. :D Trust him more and more. I need that kinda faith. Went to ntuc with Trudy. :D We were talking happily?xD Saw an injured cat? It is like so pitiful. D; Anyways, went for service. :D I officially hate Jireh Ng!:D hahah;D (joking!) He lost my teddy. The super duper cute purple one!D; Sorry Andrew. Can you get me a new one? If you can find it agains?xD Recapping what happened; Hmm. Mayyin and Amadea came in, and we were talking to Jireh? Then, Mayyin said something (I forgot) and I threw my wallet at her. :x Oops. She threw it to Jireh Ng. :/ It landed on the floor or something. I thought it was with him, so I threatened to take his 'precious bag'. LOL! Then, I was like running around. Amadea and Mayyin passed him my bag. D; eeee. Then, they were throwing it back and forth. I was fucking pissed. :x My bag dropped, because it wasn't zipped. Damn it! Omg. I'm using vulgarity. :x I realised that my teddy was lost. D; Praise and worship i was like trying to find my teddy. Lols. I was sort of scolding Jireh. Heehee;D He so bhb. :x I told him my special friend gimme the teddy and he said that he's not special uh? Lols. Amadea passed his sweets over and Trudy and I finished eating it and threw it back to him. :x Rather evil of me. (x After service, we hid his bag without him noticing. -.- Even after we left, he didn't realise. :/ He finally found it after quite a while. D; No fair. xD Ate dinner and cabbed home. ;D
Woke up super late. :D Was rather pissed. I was crying like hell loads. D; eeee. Figured I had to go for my cousin's birthday party next week. -.- Rather randommm. :/ Mugging and doing holiday homework last minute. (x I'm slacking a lot. D; Okay. Need to seriously start mugging for exams or else I'll freaking fail Geography like shit. :/ Lols.
 Haven't been posting about the days!xD Yupp,so now I shall randomly post those I remember. :/
Last Wednesday;
After school went to Novena with Meichen and Grace. Meichen was gonna meet Joey and Grace was like really excited. We went to KFC!:D lols. Wanted to bluff Meichen that Joey came! After a longlonglong time, she came with her friends. Went to collect their teacher's day present and went off. Grace and I were laughing like retards.-.- Meichen was saying that we're so uncivilized, agains. xD We took photos at the MRT station. Then, we were like comparing heights. I'm the shortest,cans?-.- Then, some random guy walked pass and was like "squatting down" then he said I'm taller,then he start "growing taller" and said, no, I'm taller. -.- So randomm:/
 I'm the shortest-.-
Met Meichen at tpy hub. We walked around and was slacking?:/ Was disturbing Meichen how unfated she was that she can't buy the belt. xD But, she bought it with Joy. Went for choir. D; So tiring. Three hours in a cold cold room singing. It is so not fun. -.-
Met Clara and Meichen in tpy hub agains. I was late!xD lols. We walked and walked. Then, went back to school for choir. Three hours agains. Not only that, it was raining!D; Like taking photos in the toilet. lols. I like have cough and kept coughing. Lols. Played one game, sort of forgotten the name? Have to act out things on a teacher's table?:/ Yan wing and I were papers. Thenthen, Clara was a pen. lols. Thats all? xD I was damn happy after I went home!:D Besides showing my parents the report book. :x lols.
a super duper big thankyou:D
 I've been faking a smile these few days. Thinking,pondering,wondering. I'm angry,confused,jealous and quiet. It totally scares myself. I'm okay now with a flicker of the magic wand!;P I was joking?:/
Kimberley!:D I totally love you hell loads!:D You've been helping me, encouraging me, cheering me up & telling me the right stuff to do. I really really thank you. You're like one of my best friends. I could never have wished for anyone else. You're really nice,helpful,thoughtful & all. I LOVE YOU LOADS!♥ :D
Grace Heah!:D You're nice too!;D You make me smile when I talk to you. Which is really very nice. I loveee you too♥
But anyways, I wanna thank KIMBERLEY NEO WEI WEI the most cans?:D Hahah;D thats all. I'm super lazy to post already`(!)
back to schoolll;D
 Got really really bad results on my report book. Not good enough to post. -.- My highest is like Home Economics?:/ Hahah;D Thank my test. ;D Sucked at the practical?:/ Failed two subjects. D; Failed math as usual?-.- I want my two marks. Ahhhh. ): Geography I practically flunked like shit. :x My very first F9. One of those memorable days. -.- I think I got the lowest? Hopes not. :D Manymany people failed. Lols. Gonna be mugging for geography. (; Teachers day celebration was so-so? (x They let us off like 45 minutes late?! rofl. Went back to pcps!:D Saw grandpa, russell,fsm,ggl and some other Beatty people? xD Sasha came later. ;D Yay! Grace and I went to pour our bubble tea in fsm's roti prata. ;P Hahah. :D He continued eating it. :/ Waited for Grace to finish the food before we went to find the teachers. :D Saw Pan Lao Shi. ;D She gave birth to her baby already. So cuteee!;D She showed us the photo. Gave her present and went to find Mr Chong. Some teacher didn't allow us to go to the classroom black to find Mr Chong. D; Rofl. We sneaked there. ;D Went back to 6f'o7 classroom. The same room, but it all felt so different?:/ I miss the old times. Yay. We miss the toilet too!-.- Walked around every class to find Mr Chong. Decided to call him. xD Went too the canteen and saw him!(: Yay. Went to the hall to watch the performance a while, walked out and went to the new sports hall area. lol. Grandpa was like doing the 5x5 rubiks cube!:D + the 4x4 one too!;D Thenthen, got all those primary 1&2 kids walking past and I said he scared them. ;D He so bhb. :x He said that the young kids were thinking, wah he so pro, I wish I could be like him next time. xD Went up to HOD room there? Then, walked to the corridor. Was like trying to fix Grandpa's brother cube. D; Took the 5x5 cube and did it in front of the small kids. Grandpa said I damn clever to bluff them that I know how to fix. Hahah;D Grace and Sasha claimed the rubiks cube make me s0t da0. xD Hahah. :D
 i completed it`(!)
 the pattern I made:D
Went to Grace house after that,the pictures should tell you the story?(x I was still very s0t. lols. Then, I made lots of weirdweird noises. xD i stole sasha's milo and noodles!;D She and Grace were pissed by my noises!:D Hahah;D Went to sleep on Grace's bed. Took photos of her(: Yay. xD Was like playing with the stuff on her bed. With weird noises. xD lols. tmt and ggl came? xD Thenthen, very boring. Then also annoyed by me(: yay. lols. -.- They were ransacking Grace's stuff?:/ lols. Went out and wanted to play poker cards?Ended up going home with Sasha. :D I returned to my normal self somehow. Must be due to the rubiks cube getting farther and farther away!xD I miss Sasha:D heehee;D
 prettaye sasha:D
 i want too(x
 why so shy?:/
 Hahah:D 3 papers taken!(: Woohoo!(x I'm super duper sad. - I lost 5 marks for English due to my blur-ness. - I lost 6 marks in Chinese like everyone else in the class. :/ - I stupidly forgot that how to change some equation thing? - I can't find a hand phone strap!xD - I got stuck outside my house-.- Things that brightened my day; - Yanwing is gonna watch Twilight with us!:D One more person. {♥} - I think I might get a few A1s. LOLS!:D - I finally bought Rachel's present. (: - The paper ended early today!:D - There's no school tomorrow and the following day:D
Actually, its all rather crappy. :/ I'm feeling so so sad, cause of something. :/
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY!:D Stay happy!(: Math paper was quite okay. The algebra questions were super easy!:D Yay!:D Thats why I like math. :x The stupid graph questions + some figure questions made me not like math!(x Never mind, I can catch up for paper two!:D I shall not cry over spilled milk. Stayed back with Calista and Kimberley to ask Ms Leow for Geography notes. :D We are so so good cans?(x We waited for a very long time. :/ Went to J8 with Kimberley. Kept asking her the time. Hahah. :D On purpose, cause her phone got confiscated!(x Evil me. :x Went back home and realised I didn't have my key. :/ Waited outside my house then got people walk pass look at me like I'm some thief liddat?-.- So irritated. :/
i look at the past; suddenly all the memories flowed back; i can't help it; i really want to let go; but i really can't
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!:D Hahah. :D Chinese paper. :D The composition is so easy. :D Hahah. ;D Everyone was like sleeping for like 30 minutes plus?(x Except me!;P I think? I was taking my own sweet time to write. :D Ms Hoe is very very bad. D; She didn't tell us we only had to learn the B book and she was the setter of the paper! Lucky for me, I lost my A book and I didn't study, but I woke up at 3.30 trying to figure out the words in the A book. D; Shouldn't have. I had a very very nice dream. :D LOLS. Calista said I'm stressed cause I remembered my dream. xD Its worth remembering. I can't believe I was thinking about that thing subconsciously. Rachel didn't have good luck though. D; So sad cans? D; Basically, everyone didn't have good luck. Rachel and Arista got the paper first then I was sitting next to Rachel, and I just came back from keeping my chinese book and the were like "chanting" What is dian pei liu li? LOLS. I dunno how to do the first two questions for sentences structure?! 6 precious marks. D; Even Darryl didn't know how to do the first sentence structure. I was basically crapping on that question?:/ Went home!:D I swear my Ipod touch is in bad condition. D; I need a new protector.
 Yay. I should just cancel MIA on some days. xD Realised that I'm gonna see Calista in like 2 days? :D Hahah. :D I miss her sitting in front of me!{♥} Mugging for Chinese & Math. D; I super need to remember math formulas. I wanna get an A1. :D So, i shouldn't continue posting. (x lols.
Yesterday; Faith came for cell!:D So so happy. Hahah. ;D Had to write comments about cell mates? Yupp. Amadea & Madelia wrote about the same thing. :/ LOL. I was like kept writing nice & kind. -.- My limited vocabulary. Hahah. :D I realised I still dunno half my cell. -.- Oops. :x Went to ntuc. :D Amadea was being rather lame. :/ She claimed that she's following me & I'm the cell leader. :/ Then, like much later, we went for service. Jireh asked for sweets. :D I'm so good to not give him yeahs?(x (he sure disagree.) Sitting next to Mayyin is the worst thing you can ever do. :x Sweets. Ahhh. :/ I must "surrender" them. Worship. The last song was so touching. :D I loved it loads. Thank God for loving me:D & many other people!{♥} Pastor was preaching about Joseph. (: Yupp. Went to eat dinner with Trudy!:D Hees. ;D Then, went to find my brother. He spit a rice at his friend while he was talking?(x Hahahah;D Then went home!:D & I got stomach ache. Must be too much sweets. xD Hahahah:D Okay. Need to desperately study!:D BYE!`{♥}
school dayyyyy!:D
 I broke my own promise to myself!:/ I'm so addicted to computer!argh! Currently trying to improve my vocabulary by tomorrow for English. :D I think its impossible. -.- DUH!:/ See, I gone crazy by talking to myself. I need to smack myself. :D Searching words written in the twilight series books. Its super duper accumulated that I think I'll go crazy!(x I still love Twilight series yo!{♥} Gonna watch the movie with Calista and Kimberley!:D YAY!{♥}
Today was rather fun!:D Math teachers didn't come!:D I was so happy!:x Hahah;D I was like sleeping and talking the whole two periods. :D What uh? Oh yah, lol. Didn't go for recess. Common:D Stole Calista's food. Kimberley & Yanwing too!:D Still very common. :x Hahah;D But she has really nice sandwiches yo!:D Was doing random stuff the whole recess. Chinese! Okay. I have confidence in getting A1!:D As in very very high? Yupp. The letter writing is so retarded. :/ I scored well for language but sucked at content. Geography is a super duper gonna fail subject. -.- Trying not to be negative, but the topics aren't finished teaching. D; I forgot how to read a topographical map. Some one just murder me!:D I'll provide a knife?(: Assembly was rather boring & e2 boys are sickos!:x Don't wanna elaborate. (; Was drawing twilight on my hand!(x Waited for Calista & ate lunch with Kimmy & Teng Teng. :D Was like doing homework later. Kimmy was boasting about her good memory to Calista & I. We were ahem-ing!:D Went back later?(;
Yesterday was boring? Hahah;D I forgot. :x I'm getting senile. (x Cherish survey is very very boliao!xD
Tuesday was rather fun!:D Okay. I like forgot to bring history book agains. -.- Luckily, we didn't need them. Hahah. ;D Was cheating and reading Breaking Dawn. & I decided I shouldn't wait for Calista. :x I was too excited! My so so limited vocabulary. :/ Math teacher didn't come, but had to do worksheets again. -.- Was still reading, and Calista too. Got scolded. D; rofl. Some Physics teacher came in to revise with us? Mr Wong or something liddat. Then, P.E is super fun !:D Played captain's ball!:D Jolyn and Rachel kept blocking. ;D Hahah. ;D But it was so so fun!:D I was so short to be goal keeper. -.- Stayed back with Calista and Kimberley. Just for fun slacking!:D We were like reading our "own" twilight books. We were commenting how slow Kimberley was reading Twilight. Hahah. :D Then we ended up talking & talking. Went back around 4 or 5? xD
Kimberley; ILOVETWILIGHTTOO!{♥} You are so so loved by me uhs{♥} Hahah. ;D So happy gonna watch the movie with you & cal!:D Tengteng; Hellos:D & she love me too much:x lols. :D Jolyn; YO!:D
 MIA-ING for the next few weeks. As if I can stand the temptation. ;D I'll try. :D I needa mug, mug & mug!:D Wish me luck yo!:D & I finished Breaking Dawn!:D Its super nice. Midnight sun!(: Yay!:D I shall go study/read now!(x Gossip girl is nice!:D I can't wait till exams to watch Heroes season 3. Temptation. ;D Loves{♥} ;
Was like so so sad. D; I realised something. & I laughed cause of some people!:D lols.
Oh yay!:D I'm in love with Twilight series:D I can't wait for Midnight Sun & Forever Dawn!:D Eeeks. Some stupid retards wanna read Twilight too!D; Hates them.Calista send me!(; lols.
 edward & bella:D
 bella the vampire:D
 bella & edward:D
I'm crazy. :D I lazy to upload more!:D I love twilight!eeee!:D I'm finishing Breaking Dawn. :D Not waiting for Calista. (: Oh & I found the answers!:D LATER:D
Twilight Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, as is implied by the quote from Genesis 2:17 that opens the book. It also represents choice. :D
New Moon The flower on the cover of New Moon is a red and white Parrot tulip. Stephenie Meyer has stated that the flower has no significance to the story, as she had no part in choosing its design. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar circle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest period of Bella's life.
Eclipse The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life.
Breaking Dawn Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.
finally found all the meanings:D hees;D
 I'm so so so happy! eee. lols. Firstly; I'm reading Breaking Dawn in like two weeks? YAY!:D Secondly; I hit a ball at Jireh's head. :D Thirdly; I found out something damn shocking! winks* Fourthly; I found a long lost bestie♥ Fifthly; I'm gonna study hard!:D Sixthly; I need to grow taller:D Randomness:/ Okay. Backtrack:D
School passed by rather breezily? Hahah;D I tied a ribbon on Calista's jacket and claimed it was a bonnet!:D English teacher didn't come. :D So, we had free period. Was drawing Calista's hand with Yanwing and Lavina?(: Hees. :D Then, we raided the teacher's toilet to take soap and washed Calista's hand!:D So funny! After school, went to Thompson Plaza with Lavina. Lols. We were checking out Home Economics stuff. Went to eat at Sakae Sushi? Lols. (I dunno how to spell. :x) She like paid for 7/8 of the meal?:/ She treated me! Yay!:D Then, walked around the whole fair price looking. Pangseh-ed her at the bus stop. I asked you to get down first one. :x lols. xD
 notice the ribbon!
Hahah;D I forgot:x Okay,wait,I remembered one part. Had Chinese oral!:D Hees ;D I was freaking out. Was like praying and it didn't help.The eclipse book diverted my panicking. :D I didn't know how to read one word. D; Was like skipping it really quickly. I think I totally screwed for conversation? xD I was like "err-ing" Then, Zhi Rong was like walking pass and I gave that funny expression and the teacher was like looking. :/ Some more its his Chinese teacher.-.- Maybe she thinks I'm cheating. D; Went to the library and was watching chicken rice war. :D Johnathan,Xiao bai and Lavina were there. :D So funny cans. Lols. Was learning the f word in Korean :P Yanwing came and we bought bubble tea and went back!;D
Went to AMK hub after school to buy the Home Economics stuff. Sat the 73 bus for 1 hour before we arrived?! We could have taken the MRT. :/ Lavina was eating and I was reading. -.- Lols. I'm so nerd. (x She was crazy about the Neoprint stuff. Lols. Went to buy stuff and I went to buy some edible stuff. xD Hahah;D Actually wanted to find Kimmy, but it was quite late?(x
Nurul finally came. :D Yay! went back early cause of tuition?(x Thats all I can remember-.-
Err? xD Oh yay! Damn funny!xD Lols? I'm just crapping. -.- Had Home Economics practical exam. :D But, there was public canning before that? D: So scary cans? Was late for Home Econs. Lavina made me roll the bread with the (I dunno what its called?-.-) Then, Shuan Meng came in and was like, "aye, Jialing rolling dough,Jialing rolling dough!" -.- Was like wanting to kill him. :/ Wasn't dough okays!D; He walked out of the class and was still repeating . -.- I use the (I still dunno what its called) and show the hitting action? xD Like a baton. :D I think Mrs Peters saw?!Lols. Our presentation for the food wasn't really nice, so I decided to put the tacos in the cup. :D Went around to see other people's food. (: My group is the last!:D It tasted okay I guess?(x Went to the canteen to buy peach tea with Calista. Luckily, the councilors didn't catch us. But, we were chased out of class by them. Was eating Calista's Home Econs food. :D I was so nice!(: Yi Quan very nice!:D He left the back door open so we could sneak in. (: We went in and was eating Kimberley's food. Lols. I ate one bite and kept saying very nice!:D LOLS. Ate the seaweed we didn't use for Home Econs. Science practical test!:D We were supposed to do individual work, but Calista and I did it together. (: It was really fun!:D Went back with Calista, Kimmy, Regine and Gwendolyn. Calista left first and we went to buy bubble tea!:D Yay! Then walked to the bus stop!(: Funfun!;D
GAMES DAY!:D Hahahahah;D Its so so fun!:D Had praise and worship in Kegan's cell room. Then, Kenan brought a friend who is like 1.8+?! And he's in choir. :/ Got suan-ed by Jireh. Was like playing captain's ball. Actually, wanted to be in same group as Trudy, but plan failed. D;Then, one of the game, I was the goal keeper. :D So fun!(x Caught the ball once then the stupid Jireh said i grew taller. -.- (I'm tall okays!xD) I threw the ball right at his head. :D Oopsie. (x Caught like the last ball so we won. I figured I'm too short to be a goal keeper. -.- LOLS. Jac's team played with the leader and they won. May yin and her coordination was really good!:D I got Trudy's book for free!:D Hees!(; Baptism service!:D Amadea and Madelia were getting baptized. (: Pastor Jennifer didn't know how to pronounce Amadea's name!xD So funny. Went up to hug Amadea after that!;D Stupid Jireh gave me melted sweet. -.- Trudy and Jessamin took too!(x Kicking his chair!(: Was talking to Trudy till the lights were nearly all offed.So shocking!(x lols.Went to eat dinner. Jacqueline and May yin were sitting with us. xD Then, cabbed home!:D Sponsored by my brother!:D Hees!;D
 This week was full of fun, disappointment, regret, but I decided to see things in a different light.
Had oral after school.Was with Kimberley and Nurul. Went to the library and Tengteng they all watching chicken rice war in the library.I was really funny,but quite vulgar. Hees. ;D And I thought it was NC16?:/ Hees:D Went for oral.Calista and I were sitting at the back of the classroom.(: Mostly,we were talking.I was so so scared kays.Was praying.I think I really did calm down. (: I think I did well. :D Yay! At least to myself. :/ Waited for Calista and we went to talk. Hees!;D She is so so nice!:D I can't believe we talked for like 3 hours?! xD (yupp,I wanna do that again!) I surprisingly walked home,but still sat the bus for a short distance. ;P The laziness of me. (x I found out I lost my Science mindmap. D; Rather saddening. I spent many many hours on it. D;
Hahah;D Didn't go to the movies with Amadea. She was like really angry. ;P I was reading New Moon in the afternoon before going for cell.I was feeling rather sad? I think I'm just confused?:/ Praise and worship was rather weird. Zhong en was doing word. We were split up into two groups. I ended up in Sam's.We were talking about judging people. Oh well,what a great time,just what I needed.:/ Went to ntuc to buy snacks. :D Then,went in for service.The pastor preaching was very cute!;D His surname sounds like chocolate. xD He was talking about like converting a Buddhist to a Christian? Traded mint chewing gum for mint chocolates with Jireh!:D Yay. Actually,I didn't wanna trade,but I think he thought I wanna trade or maybe I did nod when he asked? Okay. I'm currently deaf. -.- Thenthen, Grace was like sitting next to me and we were eating the chewing gum. Grace blew a bubble and it popped loudly. xD Then,I was covering my mouth and laughing and Jireh thought I was blowing the bubble.Grace and I were laughing. xD I had a very nice breath kays!xD Met my brother,and he wanted me to wait outside the boys toilet.:/ Bryan walked past and was like looking at me.So weird.Went to my cousin's house. Was like playing with her guinea pig?xD I didn't wanna eat the super duper creamy cake!xD Was playing with my father's laptop. :D Went home at like one? Super late.
I managed to wake up at seven. Lols. Was reading New Moon and I'm proud to say that I completed it. :D The bad thing is, I only have the first,second and fourth book. -.- Couldn't find the third. D; So, I'm stucked reading the second book again tomorrow.(x I lost my brother at bowling buddies. D; Dammit. He was so so proud.The good thing is,he teached me how to win the clown award. :D Lalalala!`~ So happy. Its so boring now!I hate sundays. :x lols. Gonna do Home Economics "project" with Lavina tomorrow. :D Many uncompleted assignments,so gotta go!:D
teddyy mia-edD;
 i'm super sad agains. my lost teddy. stressful life. broken friendships(?). i super need to see things in a different light, someone help me.
Andrew! Could you pretty please find me a same teddy?
Went out!:D Then, went for cell. Faith didn't come. D; lols. My weirdo fringe. -.- Worship was okay? Trudy came super late. For word, Sam wanted us to read each verse one by one. I was like reading super quickly. He was like commenting on our unemotional reading. :/ I learned that we should have more faith in God. :D Trust him more and more. I need that kinda faith. Went to ntuc with Trudy. :D We were talking happily?xD Saw an injured cat? It is like so pitiful. D; Anyways, went for service. :D I officially hate Jireh Ng!:D hahah;D (joking!) He lost my teddy. The super duper cute purple one!D; Sorry Andrew. Can you get me a new one? If you can find it agains?xD Recapping what happened; Hmm. Mayyin and Amadea came in, and we were talking to Jireh? Then, Mayyin said something (I forgot) and I threw my wallet at her. :x Oops. She threw it to Jireh Ng. :/ It landed on the floor or something. I thought it was with him, so I threatened to take his 'precious bag'. LOL! Then, I was like running around. Amadea and Mayyin passed him my bag. D; eeee. Then, they were throwing it back and forth. I was fucking pissed. :x My bag dropped, because it wasn't zipped. Damn it! Omg. I'm using vulgarity. :x I realised that my teddy was lost. D; Praise and worship i was like trying to find my teddy. Lols. I was sort of scolding Jireh. Heehee;D He so bhb. :x I told him my special friend gimme the teddy and he said that he's not special uh? Lols. Amadea passed his sweets over and Trudy and I finished eating it and threw it back to him. :x Rather evil of me. (x After service, we hid his bag without him noticing. -.- Even after we left, he didn't realise. :/ He finally found it after quite a while. D; No fair. xD Ate dinner and cabbed home. ;D
Woke up super late. :D Was rather pissed. I was crying like hell loads. D; eeee. Figured I had to go for my cousin's birthday party next week. -.- Rather randommm. :/ Mugging and doing holiday homework last minute. (x I'm slacking a lot. D; Okay. Need to seriously start mugging for exams or else I'll freaking fail Geography like shit. :/ Lols.
 Haven't been posting about the days!xD Yupp,so now I shall randomly post those I remember. :/
Last Wednesday;
After school went to Novena with Meichen and Grace. Meichen was gonna meet Joey and Grace was like really excited. We went to KFC!:D lols. Wanted to bluff Meichen that Joey came! After a longlonglong time, she came with her friends. Went to collect their teacher's day present and went off. Grace and I were laughing like retards.-.- Meichen was saying that we're so uncivilized, agains. xD We took photos at the MRT station. Then, we were like comparing heights. I'm the shortest,cans?-.- Then, some random guy walked pass and was like "squatting down" then he said I'm taller,then he start "growing taller" and said, no, I'm taller. -.- So randomm:/
 I'm the shortest-.-
Met Meichen at tpy hub. We walked around and was slacking?:/ Was disturbing Meichen how unfated she was that she can't buy the belt. xD But, she bought it with Joy. Went for choir. D; So tiring. Three hours in a cold cold room singing. It is so not fun. -.-
Met Clara and Meichen in tpy hub agains. I was late!xD lols. We walked and walked. Then, went back to school for choir. Three hours agains. Not only that, it was raining!D; Like taking photos in the toilet. lols. I like have cough and kept coughing. Lols. Played one game, sort of forgotten the name? Have to act out things on a teacher's table?:/ Yan wing and I were papers. Thenthen, Clara was a pen. lols. Thats all? xD I was damn happy after I went home!:D Besides showing my parents the report book. :x lols.
a super duper big thankyou:D
 I've been faking a smile these few days. Thinking,pondering,wondering. I'm angry,confused,jealous and quiet. It totally scares myself. I'm okay now with a flicker of the magic wand!;P I was joking?:/
Kimberley!:D I totally love you hell loads!:D You've been helping me, encouraging me, cheering me up & telling me the right stuff to do. I really really thank you. You're like one of my best friends. I could never have wished for anyone else. You're really nice,helpful,thoughtful & all. I LOVE YOU LOADS!♥ :D
Grace Heah!:D You're nice too!;D You make me smile when I talk to you. Which is really very nice. I loveee you too♥
But anyways, I wanna thank KIMBERLEY NEO WEI WEI the most cans?:D Hahah;D thats all. I'm super lazy to post already`(!)
back to schoolll;D
 Got really really bad results on my report book. Not good enough to post. -.- My highest is like Home Economics?:/ Hahah;D Thank my test. ;D Sucked at the practical?:/ Failed two subjects. D; Failed math as usual?-.- I want my two marks. Ahhhh. ): Geography I practically flunked like shit. :x My very first F9. One of those memorable days. -.- I think I got the lowest? Hopes not. :D Manymany people failed. Lols. Gonna be mugging for geography. (; Teachers day celebration was so-so? (x They let us off like 45 minutes late?! rofl. Went back to pcps!:D Saw grandpa, russell,fsm,ggl and some other Beatty people? xD Sasha came later. ;D Yay! Grace and I went to pour our bubble tea in fsm's roti prata. ;P Hahah. :D He continued eating it. :/ Waited for Grace to finish the food before we went to find the teachers. :D Saw Pan Lao Shi. ;D She gave birth to her baby already. So cuteee!;D She showed us the photo. Gave her present and went to find Mr Chong. Some teacher didn't allow us to go to the classroom black to find Mr Chong. D; Rofl. We sneaked there. ;D Went back to 6f'o7 classroom. The same room, but it all felt so different?:/ I miss the old times. Yay. We miss the toilet too!-.- Walked around every class to find Mr Chong. Decided to call him. xD Went too the canteen and saw him!(: Yay. Went to the hall to watch the performance a while, walked out and went to the new sports hall area. lol. Grandpa was like doing the 5x5 rubiks cube!:D + the 4x4 one too!;D Thenthen, got all those primary 1&2 kids walking past and I said he scared them. ;D He so bhb. :x He said that the young kids were thinking, wah he so pro, I wish I could be like him next time. xD Went up to HOD room there? Then, walked to the corridor. Was like trying to fix Grandpa's brother cube. D; Took the 5x5 cube and did it in front of the small kids. Grandpa said I damn clever to bluff them that I know how to fix. Hahah;D Grace and Sasha claimed the rubiks cube make me s0t da0. xD Hahah. :D
 i completed it`(!)
 the pattern I made:D
Went to Grace house after that,the pictures should tell you the story?(x I was still very s0t. lols. Then, I made lots of weirdweird noises. xD i stole sasha's milo and noodles!;D She and Grace were pissed by my noises!:D Hahah;D Went to sleep on Grace's bed. Took photos of her(: Yay. xD Was like playing with the stuff on her bed. With weird noises. xD lols. tmt and ggl came? xD Thenthen, very boring. Then also annoyed by me(: yay. lols. -.- They were ransacking Grace's stuff?:/ lols. Went out and wanted to play poker cards?Ended up going home with Sasha. :D I returned to my normal self somehow. Must be due to the rubiks cube getting farther and farther away!xD I miss Sasha:D heehee;D
 prettaye sasha:D
 i want too(x
 why so shy?:/

I go by the name of Jialing. 17July is my one & only special day. :D
I'm proud to be a child of God.♥ I was from Peichun
& currently studying in Beatty.
I'm just your typically teenage kid:D
love me & i'll love you back♥
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Hello friends.
please tag to be linked & relinked okay?:D
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