
Should I laugh or cry?
God please help me.
I'm completely lost. I tried forgiving you. I can't. You hurt me too much.
I feel that I can't trust anyone. Promise me, never to tell anyone. ITRUSTYOUMOST. You're a really nice friend. Iloveyouloads(: (to you-know-who:D)
Please. Never tell them. I guess I never will too. Lets keep this the biggest secret between us. Telling them might be the end. Maybe, someday, I'll learn to let go.
Today; Went to school. Met Calista at the over head bridge. She was waiting for Grace. ;D I waited accompanied her. (: Waited till the sky turned really really bright?( not really. :x) and we saw Grace. Walked to school with Grace,Calista,Brendo and Emmanuel?! Lols. Grace said its weird to go to school with many people following her. ;D History was so fun!:D Usex the remote control thing to do the test!(: I got 75. D; So lousy. I hope I'll do better for the rest of the components. A1:D lols. My oh-so-high-hopes for history!xD I'm gonna get an A1 for CA!:D Jonathan group's play was really funny. xD Math was like oh-so-boring! Was like drawing on the table. :x Rachel!:D Chinese was so funny. Lols. The teacher was like asking us to read some short story we wrote. Then, she called my name? Hahah;D Lavina was made to say!(: Jialin and Jialing. Utter randomness. :/ Had the play agains! Lols. So fun. I got lousy marks for my play. D; I can't afford to fail English. PC lesson was funny and sorta boring? Lols. Grace wrote about the wallet dropping inside the toilet bowl and some sick stuff. xD lols. Jonathan changed YiQuan group's story!:D Went to Meichen's house. Unlucky saw somebody. D; He called my name loud loud. -.- Meichen and Grace were disturbing me. D; Was like doing random stuff and went back to school. Choir was okay? lols.
Yesterday; No math. :D lols. Moving Monday!xD Was like slacking. Heehee. (: Have to do composition for chinese. CHEENNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!D; lols. We were the first group to do the play. I think we're gonna fail:x Its like very unorganized. I failed as the Narrator and Commentator. -.- Randomness?:/ I was like saying one line after another. Arista's story is nice!:D yay! Art was weird?:/ We had to draw the funny pictures painted by Vincent Van Gogh? lols. We are not professionals. :/ Slacking for Science. lols. WENT HOME?:/
 feeling pretty down this week. friendship problems and all.
I'm really sorry that I treated you like that. I never should have. I was mean. Really. I'm sorry.
I hate you. get outta my life. leave me alone. I can't wait to tell you how much i hate you. you suck. what can I do? You claimed I'm your best friend. I never said a thing. you told me something I'll never forget. and you doing that to make me pissed. Fuck you _l_ I don't need you in my "picture perfect" life. I bet you don't even know you hurt me. I pass through every day, acting normal and all. It doesn't help. I'm hurting inside. I wanna run away. but I can't. you're so mean. I wish I could just poof* you away. i hate you, you freaking fucker.
Went out to do project. ;D Like 10.30? So early. :x lols. I slept like super late the night before. rofl. was late again!-.- So common. :x lols. Meichen kept calling me. Reached the interchange at 10.40. lols. Sat MRT to J8. (x Met Grace there. Went to the library to discuss, but almost got chased out?:/ Went outside the library to take the video. I was damn crappy. Grace Chiam and Meichen were using tissues to cover their laughing faces. :D I started to rain. Went to Macs to eat and take another video. -.- Thenthen, we went to the food court. lols. Ate there and was taking videos for fun?-.- lols. Got pangseh-ed by the Graces and Arista,Joy, Meichen and I were walking around. :/ I found them and we ran away from Meichen and Joy. Heehee;D Played with those little kiddies rides!(x I was quite fun. Heehee:x Saw Calista and Haeli. Xiao bai was there too!xD He looks damn emo. -.- I had to go. D; lols. Combined cell. yay. Actually, I'm yay-ing because Faith came!Heehee:D I MISS FAITH LOTS & LOTS:D <3 We were talking and laughing. Saw Jireh and I asked Faith to call him an asshole. :x lols. Amadea didn't come. D; She was angry! Cheer up okays!:D Combined with Kegan's cell. Lols. Then we were staring at them when the came in? o.o heehee:D It was quite weird. Played Murderer and Detective after that. The squeezing hands one. xD Actually, Faith was supposed to hold Bryan's hand, but we sabbo-ed Trudy when she came. xD Then had word. At the end, like many people throwing the black stuff on the ground at Jireh. :D Yay! && he claims I manipulated them. :/ He so evil what!:x lols. Gonna have combined cell agains and we're gonna play captain's ball. :D lols. Went for service. Practically didn't listen a single word?:/ Sign languages are fun!:D Stole Eva's bag! and Jireh's too!:D Hahah;D He was like really angry. Hitting each other. lols. Ate dinner:D and went back.
Had to collect Geography projects?:/ Stupid geography rep. I also dunno why I became one?-.- Anyways,moving monday was fun. Kept cheating when we had to run. ;D Had Science test. Was mugging for it the whole time. I wanna get an A1. :D Got back Chinese test? :/ Obviously, I got like a B3? :/ I should've studied! D: The teacher was like quite happy or something. xD Lols. I cannot believe Genevieve got an A1. Ahhhh. :/ Okay, proves that I should really study. Was like randomly taking photos in class. Proves how boring chinese classes are. :/ Then, Yu yang kept bullying Kimberley!D; Lols. He also like that ones, but his chinese so good cans?-.- Went to find Ms Leow after school. Her email is really funny. :x lols. Went back with Meichen. :D
My second day seeing Tengteng at the over-head bridge. :D Heehee;D Walked with her to school. Mr Yeo didn't come. Had to do this worksheet on Singaoore history. Open-text test. Elvin didn't tell us to bring. -.- Ronald was like very funny. xD He went to fill on all the teacher's names in the test!(; He got scolded. :x Maths had test. D; I think I'm gonna fail :x I never study agains. -.- Was slacking as usual during chinese.Heehee:D Our class got scolded by DM. Lols. Like one litter on the floor, get like 10 minutes detention and she would come and check it anytime?!:/ PC was quite fun? Was like blindfolded and had to find my partner. Lols. I could see from the blind fold, so I found Gwendolyn quickly!:D yay. Then, had to discuss about stuff. That was damn random. Lols. Had choir after school. I'm still not used to sop 2. :x It was okay, I guess? :/ Went backkkk;D lols. Realised I can't go church this week. D; lols.
Saw Joy today instead, and Grace and Kaixin too, at the over-head bridge?(; It was drizzling and we had to have flag-raising at the parade square. :/ Was like going to fall asleep during math. :x English had to do close passage for CA marks. I think I would pass. ;P lols. Chinese class wasn't fun?-.- Got back Science test. Didn't get as well as I had expected to get. D; Terribly sad. Was playing in the computer lab during Music. I was being stupid and acted like some pilot with the earphones and all. :/ My plane keeps going up and down. ;D I was annoying Calista!:D Offing the screen of her computer. :/ Grace Heah helped. (: P.E was quite fun. Sat bus to some place. xD Grace,Arista and I shared a seat. :D Archery. I was like really scared to release the string?(x lols. The bus was like driving pass Peichun and Grace middle fingered it. -.- So mean. D; Saw Ms Jane and Meichen was really excited!xD Ate very very late lunch at Hive cafe. Was late for choir. Choir was basically okay. My lips are really dry and pain. I have a feeling I'm gonna get sick. D:
you told me that once before. now, i'm thinking about it. you claim that i'm your friend, i just accepted it. i never should had. i somehow hate you more & more now.
 Tuesday; Grace Chiam's birthday was fun! She is very very lucky! heehee;D Was taking photos during chinese class. Utter randomness. :/ Went for playwriting after school. We acted out the play?-.- I was the main character and needed to talk a lot. Lols. Grace's play was really cute!(x Elvin was a cabbage, Ronald is a carrot and grace is an onion but Ronald and Elvin aren't in the play? Then, whenever Grace said I'm an onion, Ronald would say I'm a carrot. Its seriously damn cute and funny!(x
Wednesday; Got changed to soprano 2?lols. Not used to it. Kept singing higher and higher for one part. Can't I just sing soprano 1 for that song. lols. Never mind, I shall just practice more and ask Meichen to teach me!(x
Thursday; Forgot?
Friday; Totally got tricked my Johnathan's evil scheme and got caught for hair and socks. I was like wearing yellow socks. -.- I love my fringe okays!(x Random!:/ Lols. After school, was supposed to do geography, but we slacked in the end. Went to play badminton. Actually, just spectators. Sarah's playing very funny. xD Like she's dancing. :x Went to hide Lavina's badminton racket. Went downstairs, Grace was like running away from Sarah?(; So cute. (x Sprayed peach tea at Shuanmeng. Mengteck and him took revenge. _l_ lols. Assholes. :x Went home after a longlong time. xD
 I shall be nice:D Heehee!;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE CHIAM:D hahahahah. I love you to the max. So so, I hope you have a happy happy happy time tomorrow and smile forever. :D && pass your chinese test. :D && maybe you'll help me pass mine:x lols. but I really really wish that you'll be happy and may all your wishes come true. :D heehee:D
and I used pink cause you like it. xD
Yay! Hahah;D I'm un-patriotic!(x So what?:/ I was wearing grey, dark blue and dark brown. Lols. My mum was like reminding my brother and I to wear red and we were like, no. xD Hahah;D My brother and I were like aliens walking down town. :/ Everyone was like so red or white?! How patriotic. xD lols. Went to church. Luckily there were not many patriotic people. (x I'm randomming?:/ Cell was okay. Service was okay too. xD Sorry trudy!D; Pangseh-ed you. :x next time kays? :x Went Plaza Sing to eat Carl's Junior. Lols. We filled like half of Carl's Junior. :/ I finished some super duper big burger. :x I'm fat!xD lols. Got scolded by some manager for playing poker cards. -.- lols. Kept da0-ing one of my brother's friend!(x Very funny. Went home later. Missed ndp. lols. I don't care!(:
I feel moodless. :/ i shall post when I don't. -.-
I'm angry and happy at the same time. I really dunno what to do. :/ Who to trust? I can never really tell. Fuck you_l_

Should I laugh or cry?
God please help me.
I'm completely lost. I tried forgiving you. I can't. You hurt me too much.
I feel that I can't trust anyone. Promise me, never to tell anyone. ITRUSTYOUMOST. You're a really nice friend. Iloveyouloads(: (to you-know-who:D)
Please. Never tell them. I guess I never will too. Lets keep this the biggest secret between us. Telling them might be the end. Maybe, someday, I'll learn to let go.
Today; Went to school. Met Calista at the over head bridge. She was waiting for Grace. ;D I waited accompanied her. (: Waited till the sky turned really really bright?( not really. :x) and we saw Grace. Walked to school with Grace,Calista,Brendo and Emmanuel?! Lols. Grace said its weird to go to school with many people following her. ;D History was so fun!:D Usex the remote control thing to do the test!(: I got 75. D; So lousy. I hope I'll do better for the rest of the components. A1:D lols. My oh-so-high-hopes for history!xD I'm gonna get an A1 for CA!:D Jonathan group's play was really funny. xD Math was like oh-so-boring! Was like drawing on the table. :x Rachel!:D Chinese was so funny. Lols. The teacher was like asking us to read some short story we wrote. Then, she called my name? Hahah;D Lavina was made to say!(: Jialin and Jialing. Utter randomness. :/ Had the play agains! Lols. So fun. I got lousy marks for my play. D; I can't afford to fail English. PC lesson was funny and sorta boring? Lols. Grace wrote about the wallet dropping inside the toilet bowl and some sick stuff. xD lols. Jonathan changed YiQuan group's story!:D Went to Meichen's house. Unlucky saw somebody. D; He called my name loud loud. -.- Meichen and Grace were disturbing me. D; Was like doing random stuff and went back to school. Choir was okay? lols.
Yesterday; No math. :D lols. Moving Monday!xD Was like slacking. Heehee. (: Have to do composition for chinese. CHEENNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!D; lols. We were the first group to do the play. I think we're gonna fail:x Its like very unorganized. I failed as the Narrator and Commentator. -.- Randomness?:/ I was like saying one line after another. Arista's story is nice!:D yay! Art was weird?:/ We had to draw the funny pictures painted by Vincent Van Gogh? lols. We are not professionals. :/ Slacking for Science. lols. WENT HOME?:/
 feeling pretty down this week. friendship problems and all.
I'm really sorry that I treated you like that. I never should have. I was mean. Really. I'm sorry.
I hate you. get outta my life. leave me alone. I can't wait to tell you how much i hate you. you suck. what can I do? You claimed I'm your best friend. I never said a thing. you told me something I'll never forget. and you doing that to make me pissed. Fuck you _l_ I don't need you in my "picture perfect" life. I bet you don't even know you hurt me. I pass through every day, acting normal and all. It doesn't help. I'm hurting inside. I wanna run away. but I can't. you're so mean. I wish I could just poof* you away. i hate you, you freaking fucker.
Went out to do project. ;D Like 10.30? So early. :x lols. I slept like super late the night before. rofl. was late again!-.- So common. :x lols. Meichen kept calling me. Reached the interchange at 10.40. lols. Sat MRT to J8. (x Met Grace there. Went to the library to discuss, but almost got chased out?:/ Went outside the library to take the video. I was damn crappy. Grace Chiam and Meichen were using tissues to cover their laughing faces. :D I started to rain. Went to Macs to eat and take another video. -.- Thenthen, we went to the food court. lols. Ate there and was taking videos for fun?-.- lols. Got pangseh-ed by the Graces and Arista,Joy, Meichen and I were walking around. :/ I found them and we ran away from Meichen and Joy. Heehee;D Played with those little kiddies rides!(x I was quite fun. Heehee:x Saw Calista and Haeli. Xiao bai was there too!xD He looks damn emo. -.- I had to go. D; lols. Combined cell. yay. Actually, I'm yay-ing because Faith came!Heehee:D I MISS FAITH LOTS & LOTS:D <3 We were talking and laughing. Saw Jireh and I asked Faith to call him an asshole. :x lols. Amadea didn't come. D; She was angry! Cheer up okays!:D Combined with Kegan's cell. Lols. Then we were staring at them when the came in? o.o heehee:D It was quite weird. Played Murderer and Detective after that. The squeezing hands one. xD Actually, Faith was supposed to hold Bryan's hand, but we sabbo-ed Trudy when she came. xD Then had word. At the end, like many people throwing the black stuff on the ground at Jireh. :D Yay! && he claims I manipulated them. :/ He so evil what!:x lols. Gonna have combined cell agains and we're gonna play captain's ball. :D lols. Went for service. Practically didn't listen a single word?:/ Sign languages are fun!:D Stole Eva's bag! and Jireh's too!:D Hahah;D He was like really angry. Hitting each other. lols. Ate dinner:D and went back.
Had to collect Geography projects?:/ Stupid geography rep. I also dunno why I became one?-.- Anyways,moving monday was fun. Kept cheating when we had to run. ;D Had Science test. Was mugging for it the whole time. I wanna get an A1. :D Got back Chinese test? :/ Obviously, I got like a B3? :/ I should've studied! D: The teacher was like quite happy or something. xD Lols. I cannot believe Genevieve got an A1. Ahhhh. :/ Okay, proves that I should really study. Was like randomly taking photos in class. Proves how boring chinese classes are. :/ Then, Yu yang kept bullying Kimberley!D; Lols. He also like that ones, but his chinese so good cans?-.- Went to find Ms Leow after school. Her email is really funny. :x lols. Went back with Meichen. :D
My second day seeing Tengteng at the over-head bridge. :D Heehee;D Walked with her to school. Mr Yeo didn't come. Had to do this worksheet on Singaoore history. Open-text test. Elvin didn't tell us to bring. -.- Ronald was like very funny. xD He went to fill on all the teacher's names in the test!(; He got scolded. :x Maths had test. D; I think I'm gonna fail :x I never study agains. -.- Was slacking as usual during chinese.Heehee:D Our class got scolded by DM. Lols. Like one litter on the floor, get like 10 minutes detention and she would come and check it anytime?!:/ PC was quite fun? Was like blindfolded and had to find my partner. Lols. I could see from the blind fold, so I found Gwendolyn quickly!:D yay. Then, had to discuss about stuff. That was damn random. Lols. Had choir after school. I'm still not used to sop 2. :x It was okay, I guess? :/ Went backkkk;D lols. Realised I can't go church this week. D; lols.
Saw Joy today instead, and Grace and Kaixin too, at the over-head bridge?(; It was drizzling and we had to have flag-raising at the parade square. :/ Was like going to fall asleep during math. :x English had to do close passage for CA marks. I think I would pass. ;P lols. Chinese class wasn't fun?-.- Got back Science test. Didn't get as well as I had expected to get. D; Terribly sad. Was playing in the computer lab during Music. I was being stupid and acted like some pilot with the earphones and all. :/ My plane keeps going up and down. ;D I was annoying Calista!:D Offing the screen of her computer. :/ Grace Heah helped. (: P.E was quite fun. Sat bus to some place. xD Grace,Arista and I shared a seat. :D Archery. I was like really scared to release the string?(x lols. The bus was like driving pass Peichun and Grace middle fingered it. -.- So mean. D; Saw Ms Jane and Meichen was really excited!xD Ate very very late lunch at Hive cafe. Was late for choir. Choir was basically okay. My lips are really dry and pain. I have a feeling I'm gonna get sick. D:
you told me that once before. now, i'm thinking about it. you claim that i'm your friend, i just accepted it. i never should had. i somehow hate you more & more now.
 Tuesday; Grace Chiam's birthday was fun! She is very very lucky! heehee;D Was taking photos during chinese class. Utter randomness. :/ Went for playwriting after school. We acted out the play?-.- I was the main character and needed to talk a lot. Lols. Grace's play was really cute!(x Elvin was a cabbage, Ronald is a carrot and grace is an onion but Ronald and Elvin aren't in the play? Then, whenever Grace said I'm an onion, Ronald would say I'm a carrot. Its seriously damn cute and funny!(x
Wednesday; Got changed to soprano 2?lols. Not used to it. Kept singing higher and higher for one part. Can't I just sing soprano 1 for that song. lols. Never mind, I shall just practice more and ask Meichen to teach me!(x
Thursday; Forgot?
Friday; Totally got tricked my Johnathan's evil scheme and got caught for hair and socks. I was like wearing yellow socks. -.- I love my fringe okays!(x Random!:/ Lols. After school, was supposed to do geography, but we slacked in the end. Went to play badminton. Actually, just spectators. Sarah's playing very funny. xD Like she's dancing. :x Went to hide Lavina's badminton racket. Went downstairs, Grace was like running away from Sarah?(; So cute. (x Sprayed peach tea at Shuanmeng. Mengteck and him took revenge. _l_ lols. Assholes. :x Went home after a longlong time. xD
 I shall be nice:D Heehee!;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE CHIAM:D hahahahah. I love you to the max. So so, I hope you have a happy happy happy time tomorrow and smile forever. :D && pass your chinese test. :D && maybe you'll help me pass mine:x lols. but I really really wish that you'll be happy and may all your wishes come true. :D heehee:D
and I used pink cause you like it. xD
Yay! Hahah;D I'm un-patriotic!(x So what?:/ I was wearing grey, dark blue and dark brown. Lols. My mum was like reminding my brother and I to wear red and we were like, no. xD Hahah;D My brother and I were like aliens walking down town. :/ Everyone was like so red or white?! How patriotic. xD lols. Went to church. Luckily there were not many patriotic people. (x I'm randomming?:/ Cell was okay. Service was okay too. xD Sorry trudy!D; Pangseh-ed you. :x next time kays? :x Went Plaza Sing to eat Carl's Junior. Lols. We filled like half of Carl's Junior. :/ I finished some super duper big burger. :x I'm fat!xD lols. Got scolded by some manager for playing poker cards. -.- lols. Kept da0-ing one of my brother's friend!(x Very funny. Went home later. Missed ndp. lols. I don't care!(:
I feel moodless. :/ i shall post when I don't. -.-
I'm angry and happy at the same time. I really dunno what to do. :/ Who to trust? I can never really tell. Fuck you_l_

I go by the name of Jialing. 17July is my one & only special day. :D
I'm proud to be a child of God.♥ I was from Peichun
& currently studying in Beatty.
I'm just your typically teenage kid:D
love me & i'll love you back♥
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Hello friends.
please tag to be linked & relinked okay?:D
Shout your love;