I just realised how little posts I have. (; Need to post more, but I'm lazy. (; Hahah!(x && here's another quiz!(x LOLS.
Layer 1; On the outside...
Name; Jialing Date; 0107'08 Current status; I feel super evil && guilty. Eye colour; brown Hair colour; blackish brown?(; Right or left; Right
Layer 2; On the inside...
My heritage; Chinese Fears; Manymany... Scary stuff? Insects. (x My weaknesses; I still dunno how to ride a bike -.- && I can be irritating at times(; My perfect pizza; Dunno. (;
Layer 3; Yesterday, today, tomorrow...
My thoughts first waking up; look at my phone && check for sms-es My bedtime; Hahah(; This is nicee My most missed memory; times with my deardear friends(; , 6f'o7(: and lotslots more!(;
Layer 4; My pick
Pepsi or coke; Pepsi ( but mountain dew is the best!(; ) Mcdonalds or Burger king; Mcdonalds Single or group dates; Depends. (; Adidas or Nike; Adidas. but depends leys. (; Tea or nestea; Tea Chocolate or vanilla; Vanilla!<3> Cappuccino or coffee; Cappuccino. I think I like mocha the best!(;
Layer 5; Do you...
Smoke; I'm a goodie girl!(; Curse; Most of the time? (x Take a shower; Yupps;D Hahah(; smellyyyyyyyyy!(x Have a crush; No. I'm yours!(; Think you've been in love; Yupps(; Go to school; Of course. Its like so funnn!(x lols. Want to get married; If I find a perfect guy!(; Believe in yourself; Sometimes. (x Think you're a health freak; Of course not. I'm gaining weight! -.-
Layer 6; In the past...
Drank alcohol; Yupps;D Gone to the mall; Of course!(x Been on stage; Yupps(; I suffer from stage fright!(; (jk) Eaten Sushi; Yes. Its niceee(x Dyed your hair; Nopes.
Layer 7; Have you ever...
Played a stripping game; yuck!D; Changed who you were to fit in; Nopes.
Layer 8; Age you're hoping...
To get married; When God wants me to && the time is right(:
Layer 9; In a guy...
Best eye colour; Brown. (; Best hair colour; Blackish brown?(x Short hair or long hair; Short hair.
Layer 10; What were you doing...
A minute ago; Talking to Meichen An hour ago; In the car-.- 4 & a half hours ago; Choir A month ago; Waiting for the june holidays A year ago; Playing&&having fun with my nicenice classmates && stressed that I'm taking PSLE(;
Layer 11; Finish the sentences...
I love; God&&You<33 I feel; happy,sad,stressed,confused. D; I hate; lots&lots of stuff.Especially flirts&&sluts (; I hide; secrets?(; I miss; You&&my dearly beloved friends(: <3 I need; God,You&&My friends to complete my life(:
Layer 12; Tag people Grace, Sasha, Meichen, Faith, Andreee(x ( lols. I checked that you never do this quiz before uhs!(; just go post-.- )
ilys always. nothing will seperate us, no matter what(: <3>
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 6 people to do this. 1)grace chiam 2)grace heah 3)meichen 4)shuanmeng 5)caleb 6)russell 7)faith 8)trudy 9)andre 10)sasha 11)fiona 12)guangliang 13)mingkang 14)calista 15)kimberley 16)arista 17)joy 18)jasmine 19)samantha 20)eva
How did you meet 14? beatty(:
What would you do if you never met 1? I will never ever be so happy and hyper!(x && iloveherlotslots
What if 9 and 20 dated? Hahah;D I would love to know... but eva likes abel D;
Will 6 and 17 date? they dunno each other. D;
Describe 3. she is very very hyper && crazy at times && I love her!(;
Describe 7. i know her since primary one or kindergarten? My bestie<3> Do you know any of 12's family members? no leys. (; I only know he stays near my house or something liddat?(;
What language does 15 speak? english && chinese
Who is 9 going out with? I dunno. I only love to crap with him. (; Stupid cubing!(; Hahah(;
How old is 16? twelve
When is the last time you spoke to 13? today on msn. (; He asked me for songs agains!(; Hahah!(x
Who is 2's favorite band or singer? Jojo? Cause we used to like the favourite singer!(;
Would you ever date 4? yuck!(x & I don't like him. friends only(:
Would you ever date 1? Shes my husband or wife?(; Hahah(; Iloveher(: <3
Is 19 single? idk. I think she has a stead leys. (;
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? No. (; Shes my bestie(;
School of 3? Beatty(x
Where does 6 live? Hahah;D I dunno. He used to be my "matchmaker"?
What is the favorite thing of 5? Volleyball && Choir? I think he likes being corny!(;
Have you seen 2 naked? I'm not sick nor les!(;
People I wanna tag; grace sasha meichen calista joy andre( reason for you to blog(; )
 Yesterday was quite fun. ;D Miss Caneda is our music teacher. LOLS! I think I can remember that the best!(x Ohoh!(x After school, we had this chinese class thing?(; We had to draw and paint the mask. We purposely poured all the dirty paint water into the drain!xD We are evil. -.- We are so nice cans. (; Grace, Calista, Grace and I were in the same group. LOLS. Thens, went home and had tuition. ---------------- Today was the best?LOLS. Realised that Mrs Peters is our home economics teacher. D; She very funny cans? She come in and said, do you want to hear the good news or bad news, then everyone said bad news. (; Thenthen, she said there would be two groups, the first and second. The first group is bad news because she is gonna teach us. (; Hahah;D Thens, everyone was like praying not to be in her group cans?(; I ended up with her group with Gracey, Meichen, Kimberley, Arista. (: I only need to act really good in her class. ;D Hahah!(; My fringe and socks!(; LOLS! Then, I cannot remember what happened after home economics, cause its too fun!(x Its like 'Be Yourself Day' next Thursday!(: Gracey, Meichen && I are gonna be the same(; hope can go out;D Most probably can/can't. (; Hahah(;
thanks for being there when I needed you the most. ♥ we will never part.♥ I promise♥ ilys

I feel sick, tired and bored. I just vomited. ;X I wanna die leys. D; School was okays today. Just one thing.There are many flirts in our class.Some more its not like you'll so pretty liddat. -.- No offense cans? (; Anyways, school was fun!(x Skipskip. -.- Kept showing Grace three. There were gonna be three new students in our class. Its a dumping ground. -.- At the end, one went in 1e2. There were two guys, one is a Korean and the other is a chinese from China. -.- History class was fun. Mr Yeo was like telling jokes and the two new guys and Revel was like damn blur. -.- Mr Yeo kept disturbing the Korean guy. Skipskip. Recess. Gerard became a gay. He's "Stephanie's". (x Skip agains. (; Watched some Korean show during Pastoral Care period. Hahah. ;D Had choir. Wanted to go Meichen's house but didn't. D; I wanna see her room!(x Hahah. ;D CHOIRRRRRRRRRRR(x Hahah;D Chinese period we keep asking Revel to join different CCAs. So funny. I asked him to join choir. -.- As if he would!xD Hahah;D WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY FREAKING FLIRTS IN OUR CLASS?!
 ggl send me(: hahah;D So niceee(: SASHA;D I'm gonna put this picture somewhere(x
thankyou for accompanying me and all. you were so nice(; Hahah;D ilys. <3
 I feel super sad cans?-.- School was fun today.Laughed like crazy. Hahah;D New guy in our class,Revel?(; Anyways,change sitting arrangement.I hate it. Things are like going so bad for me nowadays. D; Watched Johnny English during Science and D&T. It was funny. Hahah;D Stayed back to do chinese project thing with Meichen and Calista. (: Went home. Quarrelled with my parents agains. -.- Super fed up. Can't edit chinese from my computer because its encrypted. -.- Why is everything going so wrong in my life?!D;
you are the only one who could cheer me up(: why aren't you online? I got loads to tell you. I miss you so much!(:

Went out to watch 'Get Smart' with Eva and Amadea last Saturday.Hahah. ;D Eva, Amadea and I have different part of the story. (; Anyways, the show was okays?(; lols. Went to window-shop. (x Eva and Amadea claims I wanna shop for Jireh. -.- Stupid. Eva shopped for Abel and Amadea shopped for Kenan, Bryan and Jireh. ;D Hahah!:D I shopped for no one. (; Then,we were late for cell. D; The cell leaders were all very angry?D; Cell was okay. We had to write good stuff about our other cell members. (: Then,went for service. (: Was eating and talking. LOLS!(; I forgot to slap Jireh. (; I'm seriously blur and suffering from major senile problem. -.- Hahah;D
am i really emoing? why does so many people say so? well,maybe i just troubled. i hope i'll be okay soon?-.-
 Woke up at like 7+? LOLS! Sat cab to Toa Payoh Hub to meet Meichen. (x Ps uhs. I so late.Bought Macs to eat and sat bus to school.We were late for the full dress rehearsal.We got torches for the performance. (x Had break after a while. ;D Went with Grace,Meichen,Shermin and Yanwing to find Zhong laoshi. Used the torches to shine at Calista. (; So fun!(x Then,we were talking. We "bangseh-ed" (lols) Shermin and went back. Realised she pangseh us for TangChen. Hmm..xD Had to perform in front of principal and vice-principal. (; Ended at 11+ . Went to buy bubble tea. (; Went Meichen's house. She go groom her room. xD Anyways,she pangseh us and stayed at home instead of going to the library. D; She didn't let us go into her house some more. D; Grace and I were sitting at the staircase area. I was copying Shermin's science. I dunno how to do. Hahah;D Meichen let us come in after a while. (; Hahah;D Stayed till like 2+? Grace and I went back. Went to 7-eleven to buy the tacquitoes. (x Very nice leys. (; Went home. Hahah;D Slacked. I left two essays ,one geography write-up and chinese project!(: yay!(: I'm so happy!(:
Grace wants this quiz done. ;D ;
1. Have you seen a miracle happen in your life? Yupps(: Lots of times(; I'm so lucky-.-
2.What is the thing you want most now? My birthday?(; (jk) Secret(: xD
3.What are the goals you wanna achieve in life? Hmm...I wanna become smart!(: && nicer(x -.- Never be emo?(; 4.If you have one wish what would it be? Become smarter(: && smile always(x
5.What am I afraid to lose right now? Lots of things && people(:
6.Do you believe in eternal love? Yupps;D
7.What if someone confesses to you? If I like the guy then stead with him(; If I don't like him, I'll avoid him(x If I have stead leys, I won't even like that person. -.- 8.Will you give up everything for the person you love? Not everything(; I want my handphone,my itouch&& my lappy!(x (jk)
9.If you have permission to destroy someone or something,what would it be? I would like to destroy Bryan&&Jireh!;D I dunno my own secret-.- That's stupid!D;
10.If one day,your loved one is going to be run-over a vehicle,would you risk your life to save him/her? Yupps;D If he dies,I will be moaning(x
11.Who do you miss now? Lots&&lots of people(:
12.What type of people do you hate most now? Ahlians, Backstabbers,Betrayers, Copycat Too long to list;X 13.Will you treasure every friendship you have? Yupps;D Unless I hate that person. -.- 14.What if you are tired of everything?Will you give up? Been there,done that. Obviously yes!(x 15.What do you think is most important in your life? Everything(: Hahah;D
16.What do you want friendships to be like? LOLS? :/ how to explain. Like sistership. (; && Happy,fun!(x 17.Which country do you wish to go now? No where. Hahah;D I'd love to watch shows-.-
18.If you feel low someday, who will you turn to? Nicenice people(x Hahah;D Secret(:
People to do this quiz; Sasha Grace (make her do it agains xD) Calista Meichen Faith Trudy && nicenice people(x -.- (jk)
Grace you better do it agains-.- Hahah;D ILOVETOCRAP!(x
Stupid!D; I cannot log in to msn. D: Forced to use ebuddy. -.- Not fun!D; ILOVEMYMSN!;D Hahah!xD Msn is against me. ROFL. I wanna kill msn!;D

I went for a new hairstyle?-.- You shall see? LOLS! I not so good to finish my homeworks. ;D HAHAH!(x I wanna note down the stuff I done!xD LOLS. Three english compositions,geography workbook,the poem thing. D; Still got math, two compositions, science, geography write-up. Okay. I'm so dead. Have to go back for choir tomorrow and friday. D; I hate official opening. ;D Slacked at home today? Not really. I did homework!-.- Doing one more composition now!(: Hahah!;D I need to finish my homework then can go out this Saturday.Stupid.I'm so pitiful. (x Stupid Jireh.I wanna kill him.Promised to smack him.Hahas. ;D Bryan is gonna die! He better tell me. ROFL. D; I think its about ______ . I have a very bad feeling. He claims its gonna be funny. I'm so anxious cans? -.- Shall go ask somebody else. ;D Shall do my homework!(x I so good!:D
Went for choir today.Woke up late. D; Very tired!(x Kimberley texted me while I was walking.I realised that my file was gone?!Panics* Decided to continue walking since I was late. -.- Realised Grace Chiam asked Kimberley to text me. (x Choir was okay.Still don't like band members.Haha;D They so noisy. ;X Had the rehersal.It was okay.Went home!`~ Was slacking at home.Super lazy. :/ I guess I completed most of the homeworks already?I hope I don't end up sleeping in class. -.- I need to study hard. :D Lazyme!xD Who knows how to do math?LOLS!I suck at it. ;D
i still remember the fun times we had.

I was bored and angry yesterday.LOLS!-.- Went bowling again in the afternoon.Was like bored to death.Went to PC show after that.Bought new earphones.They seem really difficult to put on?(x there's this super cool laptop which can withstand 100 kilograms of weight and a seventy-six drop height.I want it!(x LOLS!I rather have a Mac Air. xD Shopped around Suntec.Wanted to buy some shirts.My brother claimed shirts with words are bimbo-ish.LOLS!-.- I wanna buy lot of stuff this month!(x I'm so greedy!xD
i know you're the one. i never expected this either.

Finally post.I'm lazy. xD Saturday was fun.Went for church and cell.Was like late for cell.We were talking and playing games.There's this very cute game.I don't know the name for it. ;D Then,we played another game.The forfeit was that we had to answer any question they asked.Amadea and Jireh,I swear I'll kill you guys.I'll try!(: Xue en shared word.It was about hypocrisy.A hypocrite is some one who don't practise what they preach.Yupps;D We did worship after that.Purposely stood next to Jessamin to disturb her!(x Service was okay. (: Fortunately,the preaching was not that bad.Was sitiing next to Amadea and Bryan.She thinks Jireh and I are having some sort of couple tiff. -.- Just because I kicked his chair. -.- We were like talking most of the time.Xue en was angry. D; Went home?LOLS!-.-
I've been thinking of you all the time. I'm sorry if I made you sad. Really sorry. D;
GRACE ; Hahah!Post le
chloe ; hellos.thankyou(:
KIMBERLEY[: ; You are loved too!Tagged you too!(:
FAITH ; Ohkays!(: LOVEYATOO!(: takecares!`~ (:
GRACE ; I try to change a few times,still like stick together liddat?-.- Yupps,quite boring.The book nicer(x HAHAH!loveyoutoo!♥
class bbq(x

the place we went!sasha drinking water!(x grace&&sasha
peirce p.e t-shirt!(x grace's teddy shirt!<3 Mr Chong!(x shuanmeng&&russell
random ME!(x sasha&&russell&&shuanmeng wet people!(x bbq!xD jedidiah,guangliang,sasha,grace! sasha&&grace! Hahah! Reposting class gathering photos. I love the new blogger!(x Anyways,class gathering was fun! (: Was like eating then guangliang ask me where I am. -.- I said eating. I lied to him I didn't know how to get there so he must wait. xD Then,we waited for Grace. We were talking and playing.Damn funny.I go spray coke zero at them. (x Like about 20+ minutes,Grace came!(: Then, we went to Spans Joms.Me and Grace were talking and laughing. LOLS! We crossed like three bridges to go there. So tiring. (x After we reached,we bought a drink and went back Toapayoh hub. LOLS! So waste money. -.- Bought marshmallows and sweets. Sasha came and meet us. We bought bubble tea. Very expensive cans? $2.40!(x I realised that I orded 100% sweet. (x So sweet! xD We crossed like twelve bridges in an hours. We went to play bowling.I shared lane with Emilia and Gina.My bowling skill sucks.LOLS!Then the YongXiang play until very funny.Keep going in the gutter. -.- Then,Mengteck went to smack my back before I played.Then I sort of shrieked.He keep calling me "Ow!" In the high pitched voice. -.- Then he smacked me again.I so pitiful. D; After bowling,Grace and Sasha were like "begging for money"!(x Then Samuel very good,go give Sasha $2. Hahah!The boys were like playing some sort of spot the difference game?LOLS!Like damn lame.Grandpa never come.D; Fiona came.We were hiding from Mengteck,so we went to the basement.LOLS!Enjoy the air-con!(x Then,we went to the roof garden.YongXiang saw us. D; Then,he came up too. -.- We went back to the playground to play.Everyone went to buy charcoal,so we had the whole place to ourselves. (: I hit my head on the roof of the playground!xD So pain. Then,Fiona left after a while. D; Went to change.Slacked at the basement agains.Went to the bleachers area.Shuanmeng and Russell were there.We were talking bout songs.Shuanmeng like Avril Lavigne and Cascada?-.- LOLS!We were slacking.Then,Jiawu and Guangliang came to splash "holy water" at us. Stupid.Then,we started to play with water by filling up cups and 1.5 litres water bottles.Reminds me, SORRY SHUANMENG D: Even if it wasn't really my fault to splash your phone and spoil it. Went to eat.Practically everyone got wet!(x Ate and went back. ;D Was taking pictures!(x SO FUN!(x HAHAH!(: The boys asked us to wait for them.We were behind them!(x LOLS!SO FUNNY!xD Was sitting the bus in wet clothes.LOLS!
Hello there , lovely asses ! :D I'm grace HEAH -_-" jiajia ask me to help her change skin
Thank you for coming . && jiajia wants to smack you all lovely asses (:
&& THANK YOU THANK YOU . I LOVE YOU ALL (flying kisses left & right , up & down , side to side) I'M SO HONOURED . TO HELP PEOPLE POST THEIR VERY FIRST POST . -kisses- LOL I'm such a lame-oh
I just realised how little posts I have. (; Need to post more, but I'm lazy. (; Hahah!(x && here's another quiz!(x LOLS.
Layer 1; On the outside...
Name; Jialing Date; 0107'08 Current status; I feel super evil && guilty. Eye colour; brown Hair colour; blackish brown?(; Right or left; Right
Layer 2; On the inside...
My heritage; Chinese Fears; Manymany... Scary stuff? Insects. (x My weaknesses; I still dunno how to ride a bike -.- && I can be irritating at times(; My perfect pizza; Dunno. (;
Layer 3; Yesterday, today, tomorrow...
My thoughts first waking up; look at my phone && check for sms-es My bedtime; Hahah(; This is nicee My most missed memory; times with my deardear friends(; , 6f'o7(: and lotslots more!(;
Layer 4; My pick
Pepsi or coke; Pepsi ( but mountain dew is the best!(; ) Mcdonalds or Burger king; Mcdonalds Single or group dates; Depends. (; Adidas or Nike; Adidas. but depends leys. (; Tea or nestea; Tea Chocolate or vanilla; Vanilla!<3> Cappuccino or coffee; Cappuccino. I think I like mocha the best!(;
Layer 5; Do you...
Smoke; I'm a goodie girl!(; Curse; Most of the time? (x Take a shower; Yupps;D Hahah(; smellyyyyyyyyy!(x Have a crush; No. I'm yours!(; Think you've been in love; Yupps(; Go to school; Of course. Its like so funnn!(x lols. Want to get married; If I find a perfect guy!(; Believe in yourself; Sometimes. (x Think you're a health freak; Of course not. I'm gaining weight! -.-
Layer 6; In the past...
Drank alcohol; Yupps;D Gone to the mall; Of course!(x Been on stage; Yupps(; I suffer from stage fright!(; (jk) Eaten Sushi; Yes. Its niceee(x Dyed your hair; Nopes.
Layer 7; Have you ever...
Played a stripping game; yuck!D; Changed who you were to fit in; Nopes.
Layer 8; Age you're hoping...
To get married; When God wants me to && the time is right(:
Layer 9; In a guy...
Best eye colour; Brown. (; Best hair colour; Blackish brown?(x Short hair or long hair; Short hair.
Layer 10; What were you doing...
A minute ago; Talking to Meichen An hour ago; In the car-.- 4 & a half hours ago; Choir A month ago; Waiting for the june holidays A year ago; Playing&&having fun with my nicenice classmates && stressed that I'm taking PSLE(;
Layer 11; Finish the sentences...
I love; God&&You<33 I feel; happy,sad,stressed,confused. D; I hate; lots&lots of stuff.Especially flirts&&sluts (; I hide; secrets?(; I miss; You&&my dearly beloved friends(: <3 I need; God,You&&My friends to complete my life(:
Layer 12; Tag people Grace, Sasha, Meichen, Faith, Andreee(x ( lols. I checked that you never do this quiz before uhs!(; just go post-.- )
ilys always. nothing will seperate us, no matter what(: <3>
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 6 people to do this. 1)grace chiam 2)grace heah 3)meichen 4)shuanmeng 5)caleb 6)russell 7)faith 8)trudy 9)andre 10)sasha 11)fiona 12)guangliang 13)mingkang 14)calista 15)kimberley 16)arista 17)joy 18)jasmine 19)samantha 20)eva
How did you meet 14? beatty(:
What would you do if you never met 1? I will never ever be so happy and hyper!(x && iloveherlotslots
What if 9 and 20 dated? Hahah;D I would love to know... but eva likes abel D;
Will 6 and 17 date? they dunno each other. D;
Describe 3. she is very very hyper && crazy at times && I love her!(;
Describe 7. i know her since primary one or kindergarten? My bestie<3> Do you know any of 12's family members? no leys. (; I only know he stays near my house or something liddat?(;
What language does 15 speak? english && chinese
Who is 9 going out with? I dunno. I only love to crap with him. (; Stupid cubing!(; Hahah(;
How old is 16? twelve
When is the last time you spoke to 13? today on msn. (; He asked me for songs agains!(; Hahah!(x
Who is 2's favorite band or singer? Jojo? Cause we used to like the favourite singer!(;
Would you ever date 4? yuck!(x & I don't like him. friends only(:
Would you ever date 1? Shes my husband or wife?(; Hahah(; Iloveher(: <3
Is 19 single? idk. I think she has a stead leys. (;
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? No. (; Shes my bestie(;
School of 3? Beatty(x
Where does 6 live? Hahah;D I dunno. He used to be my "matchmaker"?
What is the favorite thing of 5? Volleyball && Choir? I think he likes being corny!(;
Have you seen 2 naked? I'm not sick nor les!(;
People I wanna tag; grace sasha meichen calista joy andre( reason for you to blog(; )
 Yesterday was quite fun. ;D Miss Caneda is our music teacher. LOLS! I think I can remember that the best!(x Ohoh!(x After school, we had this chinese class thing?(; We had to draw and paint the mask. We purposely poured all the dirty paint water into the drain!xD We are evil. -.- We are so nice cans. (; Grace, Calista, Grace and I were in the same group. LOLS. Thens, went home and had tuition. ---------------- Today was the best?LOLS. Realised that Mrs Peters is our home economics teacher. D; She very funny cans? She come in and said, do you want to hear the good news or bad news, then everyone said bad news. (; Thenthen, she said there would be two groups, the first and second. The first group is bad news because she is gonna teach us. (; Hahah;D Thens, everyone was like praying not to be in her group cans?(; I ended up with her group with Gracey, Meichen, Kimberley, Arista. (: I only need to act really good in her class. ;D Hahah!(; My fringe and socks!(; LOLS! Then, I cannot remember what happened after home economics, cause its too fun!(x Its like 'Be Yourself Day' next Thursday!(: Gracey, Meichen && I are gonna be the same(; hope can go out;D Most probably can/can't. (; Hahah(;
thanks for being there when I needed you the most. ♥ we will never part.♥ I promise♥ ilys

I feel sick, tired and bored. I just vomited. ;X I wanna die leys. D; School was okays today. Just one thing.There are many flirts in our class.Some more its not like you'll so pretty liddat. -.- No offense cans? (; Anyways, school was fun!(x Skipskip. -.- Kept showing Grace three. There were gonna be three new students in our class. Its a dumping ground. -.- At the end, one went in 1e2. There were two guys, one is a Korean and the other is a chinese from China. -.- History class was fun. Mr Yeo was like telling jokes and the two new guys and Revel was like damn blur. -.- Mr Yeo kept disturbing the Korean guy. Skipskip. Recess. Gerard became a gay. He's "Stephanie's". (x Skip agains. (; Watched some Korean show during Pastoral Care period. Hahah. ;D Had choir. Wanted to go Meichen's house but didn't. D; I wanna see her room!(x Hahah. ;D CHOIRRRRRRRRRRR(x Hahah;D Chinese period we keep asking Revel to join different CCAs. So funny. I asked him to join choir. -.- As if he would!xD Hahah;D WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY FREAKING FLIRTS IN OUR CLASS?!
 ggl send me(: hahah;D So niceee(: SASHA;D I'm gonna put this picture somewhere(x
thankyou for accompanying me and all. you were so nice(; Hahah;D ilys. <3
 I feel super sad cans?-.- School was fun today.Laughed like crazy. Hahah;D New guy in our class,Revel?(; Anyways,change sitting arrangement.I hate it. Things are like going so bad for me nowadays. D; Watched Johnny English during Science and D&T. It was funny. Hahah;D Stayed back to do chinese project thing with Meichen and Calista. (: Went home. Quarrelled with my parents agains. -.- Super fed up. Can't edit chinese from my computer because its encrypted. -.- Why is everything going so wrong in my life?!D;
you are the only one who could cheer me up(: why aren't you online? I got loads to tell you. I miss you so much!(:

Went out to watch 'Get Smart' with Eva and Amadea last Saturday.Hahah. ;D Eva, Amadea and I have different part of the story. (; Anyways, the show was okays?(; lols. Went to window-shop. (x Eva and Amadea claims I wanna shop for Jireh. -.- Stupid. Eva shopped for Abel and Amadea shopped for Kenan, Bryan and Jireh. ;D Hahah!:D I shopped for no one. (; Then,we were late for cell. D; The cell leaders were all very angry?D; Cell was okay. We had to write good stuff about our other cell members. (: Then,went for service. (: Was eating and talking. LOLS!(; I forgot to slap Jireh. (; I'm seriously blur and suffering from major senile problem. -.- Hahah;D
am i really emoing? why does so many people say so? well,maybe i just troubled. i hope i'll be okay soon?-.-
 Woke up at like 7+? LOLS! Sat cab to Toa Payoh Hub to meet Meichen. (x Ps uhs. I so late.Bought Macs to eat and sat bus to school.We were late for the full dress rehearsal.We got torches for the performance. (x Had break after a while. ;D Went with Grace,Meichen,Shermin and Yanwing to find Zhong laoshi. Used the torches to shine at Calista. (; So fun!(x Then,we were talking. We "bangseh-ed" (lols) Shermin and went back. Realised she pangseh us for TangChen. Hmm..xD Had to perform in front of principal and vice-principal. (; Ended at 11+ . Went to buy bubble tea. (; Went Meichen's house. She go groom her room. xD Anyways,she pangseh us and stayed at home instead of going to the library. D; She didn't let us go into her house some more. D; Grace and I were sitting at the staircase area. I was copying Shermin's science. I dunno how to do. Hahah;D Meichen let us come in after a while. (; Hahah;D Stayed till like 2+? Grace and I went back. Went to 7-eleven to buy the tacquitoes. (x Very nice leys. (; Went home. Hahah;D Slacked. I left two essays ,one geography write-up and chinese project!(: yay!(: I'm so happy!(:
Grace wants this quiz done. ;D ;
1. Have you seen a miracle happen in your life? Yupps(: Lots of times(; I'm so lucky-.-
2.What is the thing you want most now? My birthday?(; (jk) Secret(: xD
3.What are the goals you wanna achieve in life? Hmm...I wanna become smart!(: && nicer(x -.- Never be emo?(; 4.If you have one wish what would it be? Become smarter(: && smile always(x
5.What am I afraid to lose right now? Lots of things && people(:
6.Do you believe in eternal love? Yupps;D
7.What if someone confesses to you? If I like the guy then stead with him(; If I don't like him, I'll avoid him(x If I have stead leys, I won't even like that person. -.- 8.Will you give up everything for the person you love? Not everything(; I want my handphone,my itouch&& my lappy!(x (jk)
9.If you have permission to destroy someone or something,what would it be? I would like to destroy Bryan&&Jireh!;D I dunno my own secret-.- That's stupid!D;
10.If one day,your loved one is going to be run-over a vehicle,would you risk your life to save him/her? Yupps;D If he dies,I will be moaning(x
11.Who do you miss now? Lots&&lots of people(:
12.What type of people do you hate most now? Ahlians, Backstabbers,Betrayers, Copycat Too long to list;X 13.Will you treasure every friendship you have? Yupps;D Unless I hate that person. -.- 14.What if you are tired of everything?Will you give up? Been there,done that. Obviously yes!(x 15.What do you think is most important in your life? Everything(: Hahah;D
16.What do you want friendships to be like? LOLS? :/ how to explain. Like sistership. (; && Happy,fun!(x 17.Which country do you wish to go now? No where. Hahah;D I'd love to watch shows-.-
18.If you feel low someday, who will you turn to? Nicenice people(x Hahah;D Secret(:
People to do this quiz; Sasha Grace (make her do it agains xD) Calista Meichen Faith Trudy && nicenice people(x -.- (jk)
Grace you better do it agains-.- Hahah;D ILOVETOCRAP!(x
Stupid!D; I cannot log in to msn. D: Forced to use ebuddy. -.- Not fun!D; ILOVEMYMSN!;D Hahah!xD Msn is against me. ROFL. I wanna kill msn!;D

I went for a new hairstyle?-.- You shall see? LOLS! I not so good to finish my homeworks. ;D HAHAH!(x I wanna note down the stuff I done!xD LOLS. Three english compositions,geography workbook,the poem thing. D; Still got math, two compositions, science, geography write-up. Okay. I'm so dead. Have to go back for choir tomorrow and friday. D; I hate official opening. ;D Slacked at home today? Not really. I did homework!-.- Doing one more composition now!(: Hahah!;D I need to finish my homework then can go out this Saturday.Stupid.I'm so pitiful. (x Stupid Jireh.I wanna kill him.Promised to smack him.Hahas. ;D Bryan is gonna die! He better tell me. ROFL. D; I think its about ______ . I have a very bad feeling. He claims its gonna be funny. I'm so anxious cans? -.- Shall go ask somebody else. ;D Shall do my homework!(x I so good!:D
Went for choir today.Woke up late. D; Very tired!(x Kimberley texted me while I was walking.I realised that my file was gone?!Panics* Decided to continue walking since I was late. -.- Realised Grace Chiam asked Kimberley to text me. (x Choir was okay.Still don't like band members.Haha;D They so noisy. ;X Had the rehersal.It was okay.Went home!`~ Was slacking at home.Super lazy. :/ I guess I completed most of the homeworks already?I hope I don't end up sleeping in class. -.- I need to study hard. :D Lazyme!xD Who knows how to do math?LOLS!I suck at it. ;D
i still remember the fun times we had.

I was bored and angry yesterday.LOLS!-.- Went bowling again in the afternoon.Was like bored to death.Went to PC show after that.Bought new earphones.They seem really difficult to put on?(x there's this super cool laptop which can withstand 100 kilograms of weight and a seventy-six drop height.I want it!(x LOLS!I rather have a Mac Air. xD Shopped around Suntec.Wanted to buy some shirts.My brother claimed shirts with words are bimbo-ish.LOLS!-.- I wanna buy lot of stuff this month!(x I'm so greedy!xD
i know you're the one. i never expected this either.

Finally post.I'm lazy. xD Saturday was fun.Went for church and cell.Was like late for cell.We were talking and playing games.There's this very cute game.I don't know the name for it. ;D Then,we played another game.The forfeit was that we had to answer any question they asked.Amadea and Jireh,I swear I'll kill you guys.I'll try!(: Xue en shared word.It was about hypocrisy.A hypocrite is some one who don't practise what they preach.Yupps;D We did worship after that.Purposely stood next to Jessamin to disturb her!(x Service was okay. (: Fortunately,the preaching was not that bad.Was sitiing next to Amadea and Bryan.She thinks Jireh and I are having some sort of couple tiff. -.- Just because I kicked his chair. -.- We were like talking most of the time.Xue en was angry. D; Went home?LOLS!-.-
I've been thinking of you all the time. I'm sorry if I made you sad. Really sorry. D;
GRACE ; Hahah!Post le
chloe ; hellos.thankyou(:
KIMBERLEY[: ; You are loved too!Tagged you too!(:
FAITH ; Ohkays!(: LOVEYATOO!(: takecares!`~ (:
GRACE ; I try to change a few times,still like stick together liddat?-.- Yupps,quite boring.The book nicer(x HAHAH!loveyoutoo!♥
class bbq(x

the place we went!sasha drinking water!(x grace&&sasha
peirce p.e t-shirt!(x grace's teddy shirt!<3 Mr Chong!(x shuanmeng&&russell
random ME!(x sasha&&russell&&shuanmeng wet people!(x bbq!xD jedidiah,guangliang,sasha,grace! sasha&&grace! Hahah! Reposting class gathering photos. I love the new blogger!(x Anyways,class gathering was fun! (: Was like eating then guangliang ask me where I am. -.- I said eating. I lied to him I didn't know how to get there so he must wait. xD Then,we waited for Grace. We were talking and playing.Damn funny.I go spray coke zero at them. (x Like about 20+ minutes,Grace came!(: Then, we went to Spans Joms.Me and Grace were talking and laughing. LOLS! We crossed like three bridges to go there. So tiring. (x After we reached,we bought a drink and went back Toapayoh hub. LOLS! So waste money. -.- Bought marshmallows and sweets. Sasha came and meet us. We bought bubble tea. Very expensive cans? $2.40!(x I realised that I orded 100% sweet. (x So sweet! xD We crossed like twelve bridges in an hours. We went to play bowling.I shared lane with Emilia and Gina.My bowling skill sucks.LOLS!Then the YongXiang play until very funny.Keep going in the gutter. -.- Then,Mengteck went to smack my back before I played.Then I sort of shrieked.He keep calling me "Ow!" In the high pitched voice. -.- Then he smacked me again.I so pitiful. D; After bowling,Grace and Sasha were like "begging for money"!(x Then Samuel very good,go give Sasha $2. Hahah!The boys were like playing some sort of spot the difference game?LOLS!Like damn lame.Grandpa never come.D; Fiona came.We were hiding from Mengteck,so we went to the basement.LOLS!Enjoy the air-con!(x Then,we went to the roof garden.YongXiang saw us. D; Then,he came up too. -.- We went back to the playground to play.Everyone went to buy charcoal,so we had the whole place to ourselves. (: I hit my head on the roof of the playground!xD So pain. Then,Fiona left after a while. D; Went to change.Slacked at the basement agains.Went to the bleachers area.Shuanmeng and Russell were there.We were talking bout songs.Shuanmeng like Avril Lavigne and Cascada?-.- LOLS!We were slacking.Then,Jiawu and Guangliang came to splash "holy water" at us. Stupid.Then,we started to play with water by filling up cups and 1.5 litres water bottles.Reminds me, SORRY SHUANMENG D: Even if it wasn't really my fault to splash your phone and spoil it. Went to eat.Practically everyone got wet!(x Ate and went back. ;D Was taking pictures!(x SO FUN!(x HAHAH!(: The boys asked us to wait for them.We were behind them!(x LOLS!SO FUNNY!xD Was sitting the bus in wet clothes.LOLS!
Hello there , lovely asses ! :D I'm grace HEAH -_-" jiajia ask me to help her change skin
Thank you for coming . && jiajia wants to smack you all lovely asses (:
&& THANK YOU THANK YOU . I LOVE YOU ALL (flying kisses left & right , up & down , side to side) I'M SO HONOURED . TO HELP PEOPLE POST THEIR VERY FIRST POST . -kisses- LOL I'm such a lame-oh

I go by the name of Jialing. 17July is my one & only special day. :D
I'm proud to be a child of God.♥ I was from Peichun
& currently studying in Beatty.
I'm just your typically teenage kid:D
love me & i'll love you back♥
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